Tiny Pantry

Katie Wynn got the cutest little shopping cart for Christmas from her Mimi and Poppy.  It's like a real deal metal shopping cart, not a plastic hot pink one or anything like that.  I seriously love it.  To go with it, her Mimi also gave her a boat load of groceries, because really, what's a shopping cart without some groceries to go in it?  The only problem was that the groceries were taking over our kitchen!  Even when I straightened them and lined them up by height (OCD, maybe?), our kitchen never felt picked up with them in there.

Enter a tiny pantry.  I found this plan from Ana White's website (she calls it a fridge, I'm calling it a pantry) and sent it to my Dad so he could get excited about our next woodshop project!

We managed to use all scraps to put it together and made it using all of Ana's dimensions.  It wasn't hard to build at all, but ours is definitely wonky in several places since we used less-than-ideal materials.  It's perfect for Katie Wynn, though!

I decided to paint the back wall pink approximately 4 days before finding out that we have a boy on the way.  Should've just left it all white, but oh well.  (Sorry for the craptastic iphone photos.  I was snapping them in a hurry before KW got her hands on it.)

empty pantry
closed pantry

As we built it, I kept thinking that it looked really tiny.  But after getting it home on Saturday and filling it up with all of her groceries, I saw that it's the perfect size!  It fits perfectly on this tiny wall in our kitchen and holds all of her food with some wiggle room to spare. 

full pantry
grocery shopping

She loved seeing all of her groceries in it, and especially loves getting to open and close the doors!

grocery shopping
grocery shopping

I decided to do a little shopping of my own and found the cutest little girl to cram into my shopping cart!  Don't you agree?  :)

shopping cart
shopping cart

I'm glad she likes the pantry we whipped up for her, but I'm especially glad to have a place to store all those groceries now!  Don't tell her, but Santa Claus is already scheming up plans to make the matching kitchen stove and sink to go with it for Christmas next year...