Birth Story: Part One

Today my baby girl will officially be a week old!  I can't believe this time last week we were just now checking into the hospital and getting ready to meet her.  It seems so far away and just like yesterday at the same time.  I already can't imagine life without her! I hate that it has taken me a week to even start trying to write out the birth story, because I really wanted to write it while it was still fresh in my head.  Hopefully I can remember all the details.  Like with the pregnancy posts. I'm adopting the mindset that this blog is first and foremost a journal for myself, and this life event is definitely something I want to be able to look back on later and re-read.  I'm sure there will be TMI parts and maybe I'll give more details than I should on the internet, but the good news is I don't have many readers anyway!  Ha!  If hearing the gory details of labor and delivery are not your cup of tea, then I encourage you to just skip this series. :)

I think technically, my birth story can start on Saturday night while I was sitting down typing this post.  I furiously typed about how ready I was to do so many things, most of all meet our little girl.  She must've been reading what I was typing because I felt my first contraction right as I wrapped that post up.  Well, I don't know for sure that it was the first one, but it was the first one that I stopped and took note of and called it a real contraction.  It had a definite start and stop, was very uncomfortable, and didn't go away when I changed positions.  Definitely not a Braxton Hicks.  I told Doc I may have had a contraction but wasn't really sure.  We went about our evening, got ready for bed, and turned off the lights at 10:30.

Man, I got some good sleep!  Until 11:30, that is.  A one-hour power nap, if you will, and then I was awoken by another contraction.  I couldn't fall back to sleep because it got me excited.  And a little anxious.  Was this for real?  As I layed in bed, I downloaded an App called Full Term so I could start timing contractions.  This App was fantastic - all I had to do was click "start" and "stop" when I felt one and it calculated everything else - how long it lasted and how far apart it was from the one prior.  It also gave me averages for the past hour.  I highly recommend it to anyone expecting!

The contractions started coming more regularly, so at 1:58, I hit "start" for the first time.  46 seconds!  I had no idea if that was bad or good.  The next one came 13 minutes later.  As I began officially tracking these, I started googling things like "when do you go to hospital if in labor?" and "how do you know you're in labor?"  Can't be too prepared, right?  I had heard of the 5-1-1 rule and so I googled it too.  The rule is that your contractions should be within 5 minutes apart, last for at least a minute each, for over an hour.  I liked having a set guidline and, thanks to the App, I'd know exactly when I got to that point and could hit the road.

Doc finally stirred between 5 and 6 in the morning.  "I'm having contractions."  That's all it took for him to be wide-awake.  He was so excited.  I showed him the App and how I'd been tracking them all night long.  They were averaging around 45 seconds each and were about 8 or 9 minutes apart.  I went ahead and got up but told him to get some rest because I felt certain we would be going to the hospital later that day.

I sat in the living room, glued to my phone.  I had no idea what to do.  Was I supposed to eat?  I asked Google.  Hmmm...mixed opinions on that one.  I ate a cookie that I'd baked the night before.  Then I remembered that everything I put in would eventually have to make its way out, and I decided maybe I shouldn't eat anymore.  My body, it seemed, was one step ahead of me and started clearing out on its own.  Sorry for the TMI.  I'm not sure if that's common when you start having contractions or if maybe I just had an upset stomach.  At any rate, I used the bathroom a handful of times and started feeling pretty good about my fear of going during delivery because it didn't seem like there was anything left to come out!

I sent my mom a text that said it might be baby day.  Didn't take long to get a response. :)  (Side note - I learned that when you're close to your due date, people answer their phones a lot faster when you call!)  I told her we wouldn't be in church because we would probably head to the hospital soon.

Before I knew it, Doc was up, packed, and ready to go!  I planned on showering and getting cleaned up so I told him to be patient.  I was pretty ready to go too but I did not want to get to the hospital and have them send us home.  I was determined not to have a false alarm!  It took me a while to go through my shower and getting ready routine since I stopped everything for each contraction.  They were definitely painful but I knew they'd only get worse, so I kept telling myself not to be dramatic.  Suck it up!  At this point, they were within five minutes of each other but weren't lasting at least a minute each.  That was throwing my set guidelines for a was I supposed to know when to go now??

Finally, a few minutes before 10:00am, we had the car loaded up and were ready to head out.  Before going to the hospital, we had to drop Lolli off at my parents' house so she'd be taken care of.  Doc ran inside long enough to put her down and get a quick "Good luck! Keep us posted!" from my dad, and then we were off!

Throughout the pregnancy, I always imagined that this is when my anxiety would really kick in.  I envisioned panic attacks on the way to the hospital.  Praise the Lord, that was not the case at all.  I was surprisingly calm.  We arrived at the hospital around 10:25 and parked.  I told Doc there was no need to pull up to the emergency entrance; I was totally capable of walking in.

Here I am at the Admissions desk getting checked in.  Judging from the look on my face, I think Doc caught me mid-contraction.

Since it was a Sunday, the hospital was pretty quiet.  We didn't have to wait at all; we immediately got to go back to a Labor and Delivery room.  I changed into a hospital gown and waited for the nurse to come back and get me hooked up to all the machines.

The nurse came and strapped the big bands around my belly - one to monitor the contractions and the other for the fetal heartbeat.  Then she checked me to see if I'd made any progress from my doctor's appointment earlier in the week. progress!  I was still only at 1, maybe 2, cm.  I could tell by the look on her face that this wasn't good news.  "Does that mean we have to go home?"  I felt the tears well up in my eyes, but was able to hold them in.  "I'm going to call the doctor and see what she thinks."

Because I had not had anything to eat or drink all day, the doctor thought I may just be dehydrated and having false contractions.  False contractions don't make you progress any.  False contractions are bad.  I was given a big hospital jug of water and had about 45 minutes to drink it all.  If I really was just dehydrated, the water would make the contractions subside and I'd have to go back home.  Even though the contractions were painful, with every sip of water I took, I prayed that they wouldn't go away!  I just wanted to meet my baby!  Didn't they read my blog post?!?  I was READY!

Sad about still not knowing if we would get to stay or not.  Also, cold from the water.

I finished the water and was still having contractions!  Yay!  I felt like surely that meant we'd be staying.  When the nurse came back, she checked me one more time.  Still nothing.  Still just 1-2cm.  "What does that mean?"  I asked her, terrified I was about to get checked out.  She said she'd have to call the doctor and update her and that it would be the doctor's call.  This was not my regular doctor since she was not on call for the weekend.  I did not know this particular doctor at all and had no idea what she'd want to do.

She left to make the call and we waited.  And waited.  I was impatient.  Come on already!

Finally, the nurse returned to our room and said she'd spoken to the doctor.  "Well?!?!"

"You're staying."


I have a feeling the majority of hospital patients do not like to hear that they have to stay longer, but this was music to my ears.  My baby was coming!

To be continued...

I'm Ready

  • I'm ready to plop down on the bed belly first and sleep on my stomach all night long.
  • I'm ready to eat sushi.
  • I'm ready to wear cute fall clothes without an elastic waist.
  • I'm ready to sleep for more than an hour and half without needing a bathroom break.
  • I'm ready to be able to lean over the kitchen sink while washing dishes instead of having my belly in the way.
  • I'm ready to eat a cold bologna sandwich.
  • I'm ready to make a box of brownies and dip my finger into the raw-egg-chocolatey-goodness that is the batter and lick it off (and then do it again!).
  • I'm ready to wear my wedding rings again.
  • I'm ready to have more energy.
  • I'm ready for a big, frozen margarita.
  • I'm ready for my restless legs to settle down.

But most of all...

  • I'm ready to meet my sweet girl.  I'm ready to see her precious face and fall in love.  I'm ready to show her to her daddy.  I'm just ready.

Still Preggo

I'm so behind on blogging I don't even know where to begin!  I have so much to share and really hope to get caught up on everything in the next few days.  (Surely now that I typed that I'll have to stick to it...) First major update?  I'm still pregnant.  I hesitate to say I'm over it because I really need this little girl to stay put for a few more weeks, but yea, I'm kinda over it.  Does that make me a bad mom already? 

As usual, let's do this update bullet-point style.

  • As I write, I am 36 weeks plus 4 days pregnant.  I am now having weekly doctor's appointments and this week's was the first one where I got checked.  Fun!  So far, no progress has been made towards her arrival, so hopefully we're on track for her to stay put until closer to her due date.  I gained 2 more pounds (up to about 34 total pounds gained at this point).  My doctor thinks she's probably weighing around 6 pounds right now and would like for her to get up to at least 7.5 before she arrives.  My beta strep test came back negative so no antibiotics for me.  Hooray!
  • Sleep is no longer fun.  I just can't get comfortable and by the time I do, I have to get up for a bathroom break.  I think I get up at least 5 times a night, if not more.  It's starting to get old.  Also, in our new house, our bedroom is really, really dark at night so I've run into lots of doors and walls trying to find my way around.  I'm thinking we need to invest in a night light.
  • Lately I've also been having some acid reflux (or heartburn? or something?) that is no fun at all.  It's usually just at night so I'm sure it's not as bad as it could be, but still.  It's a pain.
  • I've had the luxury of getting to wear comfy, casual clothes to work all summer.  Next week we switch back to business casual, though, and I'm already worried about what I'll wear.  I refuse to buy any more maternity clothes at this point.  Let's just hope I can find some pants that aren't jeans that somewhat fit.  I may have to wear the same pair everyday!
  • Speaking of work, I'm terrified of my water breaking while I'm there.  Please pray that that doesn't happen!
  • The nursery is coming along.  There are still several things to do before it's done, but I hope to put a big dent in those projects over the long weekend.  I'm so eager to show it to you, though!  Hopefully soon.
  • Also on this weekend's agenda?  Packing my bag and installing the car seat.
  • We've been showered and blessed with so many gifts!  I've started doing loads of tiny pink laundry and getting her closet set up.  I can't wait to play dress up with my little girl!
  • Car update: I traded my MINI for my mom's 2005 Lexus SUV.  So, we officially have a car that a carseat will fit in.  Hooray!  We made an even swap of the cars and then my dad traded in my MINI to get my mom a fancy new car.  It was a perfect scenario: I got a bigger car, my mom got a sweet new ride, and my dad got the car payment. :)
  • Baby girl has started getting the hiccups.  It's funny and annoying all at the same time! 
  • Mama girl just keeps getting more zits.  I know, gross, but it's true.  My poor husband gets to rub alcohol on my neck and back each night, taking our marriage to a whole new level.  Sure hope he still loves me when this is all over!
  • Per your recommendations, I made a hair appointment!  Tomorrow morning I will finally be getting some professional help!  (Don't judge, but I think it's been almost a whole year since I've seen my stylist.)
  • Last week I attended a 2-hour Baby Basics class to learn about, well, the basics.  Some stuff we learned is good to know - like how to care for the umbilical cord.  Other stuff I could've probably done without.  Like, did you know a baby can be born with teeth already in its mouth?  Weird.

And just like that, I've  hit a wall.  I can't think of any other updates!  What am I forgetting?

I'll be back with more blog posts soon.  Promise!

Baby Shower #2

The second baby shower that Doc and I (and baby girl!) were honored at was one hosted by my coworkers.  Surprise, surprise - I forgot my camera again.  I'm going to start blaming this on pregnancy brain!  Seriously, why can't I remember to bring it with me?? With the triple shower, I was able to snag pictures of all the people, but not many of the details.  This time it's the exact opposite.  When I saw all the decorations in the room, I quickly grabbed Doc's cellphone and tried to get pictures of everything, but I have zero pictures of any people.  Shame on me!

Even though I don't have any pictures of any guests, hostesses, or me and Doc, I still wanted to post these pictures of the details.  I have to tell you that my coworkers went all out!  At our workplace, we try to have a shower for anyone getting married or welcoming a baby but they are not typically elaborate parties.  We have a conference room on our floor that we book for the last hour of the day, a few people volunteer to bring light food, and there's minimal - if any - decorations.  But, like I said, this time they went all out!  Especially when you consider they had to drag all this stuff to work and I didn't see any of it in advance!

The theme of the shower was Baby E's Sweet Shoppe.  They definitely geared it towards my wicked sweet tooth!  Here's the table that I saw when I first walked into our Boardroom.  (It wasn't even in our typical conference room location; we went to the penthouse for this shower!)

My sweet friend Allyson made the backdrop out of crepe paper.  Did you know that when you sew two streamers of it together it ruffles up like that?  I sure didn't!  She sewed lots of streamers together and then attached them from some kind of board she picked up at Home Depot.  She made the banner to go on it too, and I hear she had sneakily had our intern cutting out the letters to attach to the fabric triangles!  And all this time I thought they were over there working on Fixed Assets...

The food table was chock full of all the best sweets.  Mason jars were filled with all kinds of pink candy.

Every Sweet Shoppe needs a tray full of cookies.

There was also lots of cupcakes from my favorite local bakery - Muddy's.

On the other tables were bottle vases filled with flowers.  Maybe they've been reading my blog??

Also on the tables were the cutest bowls of ice cream I've ever seen!  This is not the best picture of one of them, but they were small plastic bowls with scoops of ice cream made out of baby onesies and blankets topped with a cherry and spoon.  Super cute!

I really, really hate that these are all the pictures I have from the shower.  I'm sure this may not seem like a big deal of a shower compared to what other workplaces do, but my friends put so much effort into this and I really hope they know how much I appreciate it.  All the little details that made it so "me" did not go unnoticed at all!  Kim and Allyson - since I know you two were probably in charge (and the only two reading this), thank you both so, so much!  Everything was perfect!

I guess I should say that while completely adorable, the decorations are not the only reason I loved the shower.  I genuinely appreciate that so many friends took time out of their day to celebrate with us and shower our baby girl with gifts.  Trust me when I say that Doc and I are very aware of how lucky we are to work with people that care about us and our little girl and her well-being.  We are so very, very grateful.

Triple Baby Shower

Almost exactly two years ago to the day, I wrote a post with this exact same title.  It was about a baby shower I hosted at my house for three of my college girlfriends that were all expecting babies.  It was the first round of babies for our group and they were all due in September.  This time, the post is for the exact same thing, except this time I wasn't the one hosting, I was an honoree.  Once again, there are three of us in our group that are all due in September! Here we are - Dana, Me, and Lydia.  Dana is due first, around the 7th.  Lydia is next on the 20th, and then I'm due on the 24th.  Of course, two years ago the due dates were spread out like this too and all 3 babies arrived within 24 hours of each other.  So who knows, it could happen again!

We brought our baby bumps with us.  (And I guess I didn't get the memo to wear coral!)

You would think that for my first ever baby shower, I might remember to bring my camera, right?  Well, I didn't.  Blame it on the pregnancy brain, I guess, but it sat on the counter at my house during the whole shower.  These pictures are all courtesy of Lydia's mom, Gina, and I'm so grateful she shared.  But that means I don't have all the detail shots that I would normally take, but oh well.

I was so excited that this shower fell on the weekend that Doc's parents were in town, so that his mom, Pat could join us.  It was fun to have both of my moms there!  I love this picture - especially because it looks like someone just told my mom we were gonna get to leave with lots of free stuff.  Yesss!

Here's the food table.  Our hostesses - Emily, Jenny, Sarah, and Darbie - did such a great job with everything.  Especially considering two of them traveled for the shower.  I did hear about a mishap with a tray of deviled eggs rolling all over the floorboard of a car, but no one at the shower knew they were missing!  Please ignore the look on my face here; I have no idea what I was looking at outside the window.

Sarah whipped up the petit fours herself and did a great job!  They're little baby blocks and tasted awesome!

I think Jenny was in charge of all the flowers (a job she takes very seriously).  This is just a small vase from the coffee table but they were all very pertty!  (Also, in the top background of this picture, you can kinda see the cute little alphabet cards that Emily strung up around her house.)

After filling up on all the delicious food, the three of us mamas took our places to start opening gifts.  We really racked up, too!  Here I am opening up the gift we all three received from the hostesses.

This isn't the best picture of it, but you can kinda tell what it was as Dana opens hers.  We all got the sweetest pair of tiny pink TOMS for our little girls!

Here's Lydia with another gift we all got - cute little bloomers.  Hers and Dana's were both monogrammed and were so precious.  I guess if we ever decide on a name I can have mine monogrammed too.

One of my favorite things that I brought home that day is this chalkboard sign that Dana made.  It's made out of a cabinet door insert and she painted it to match our nurseries (Lydia's is purple, mine is grey).  Be on the lookout for it to show up again in a nursery post one day!  (Not sure who I'm pointing at.  Maybe this is when I told my mom she should open a daycare?)

Another fun gift we all three received was a Hello Kitty quilt that Lydia's grandmother made for us.  I have a little niece that will probably try to claim this as her own if she ever sees it!

I won't bore you with a picture of every gift we received, but trust me when I say I left with a car full of goodies!  From things like daygowns and girly outfits to practical items like bumbos, boppys, and diaper bags.

The party didn't end once all the gifts were opened.  We still had some betting to do!  Just like at the last triple shower, we had a baby pool to guess when each of the sweet babies will arrive.  For a dollar a guess, you could purchase a day on each of our calendars.  I didn't win for any of the births last time, so I'm crossing my fingers I have better luck this time!  (And trying not to hold a grudge about all the purchased days that fall past my due date.)

Before leaving, we made sure to get a group picture of all the college friends that were there.  I loved spending my Saturday with these girls!

For those of you reading that were there, thank you so much for spoiling me and baby girl!  We are so blessed to have such great friends that care so much about our little baby already!!