
Hello!  I'm back from a short blogging break with another update on the ol' pregnancy.

  • As I type, I'm 31 weeks plus 6 days along, which means...

  • Eek!  We're down to single digits!  Tomorrow the 9 will change to an 8 as my due date gets closer and closer.  I'm not going to lie, I'm getting kind of nervous!
  • At this past week's appointment, Baby Girl's heartbeat clocked in at 142.  The doctor said that was good.  I also got the devastating news that I put on TEN pounds in just 3 weeks.  Yikes!  Guess I took celebrating passing my glucose test a little too far.  Let's hope I don't keep this pace up or I'll be the size of a house by the time she arrives!
  • I am now taking an iron supplement with my prenatal vitamins.  I'm just a few days in taking it and already feel a little bit better.  I was SO tired before.  I'm glad to have a little more energy back but could definitely do without the side effects that come with taking iron (if you've taken it before, you know what I'm talking about).
  • Things are beginning to get uncomfortable.  I know I have two months left and shouldn't be complaining since it will only get worse, but I already feel like I'm running out of room for this little girl!  It's hard to imagine how I could possibly get any bigger.  Physically, I could be ready for her to come on out.  Mentally, I'm definitely not ready yet.  Logistically, she just has to stay in a while longer.  There's way too much to do before she arrives!
  • I hesitate to say the restless legs are getting better because they are definitely still there, but I'm figuring out ways to manage them so I can get some sleep.  I've researched home remedies so if they start bugging me, I do lots of stretching and muscle flexing.  I also have another fan by the bed (that makes 3 in our room total now) because I've figured out they're not as bad if I'm cold.  Actually, it's impossible to get me cold these days so I guess I should say they're not as bad is I'm less hot than usual.
  • I'm still taking weekly pics and they're still pretty embarrasing and awkward!  Here are the ones I shared last time.



  • And here are more recent pics of the bump.



  • From the pics you can tell that A) the bump is growing, B) I need a tan, and C) I need a haircut.  Apparently I've decided I can't get my hair done while pregnant. (???) I guess I only have 2 months left, might as well hold out a little longer.  Maybe I'll get it all chopped off after she arrives.
  • We have already been spoiled by many of our friends at two different baby showers.  I'm working on getting the pictures together for those posts, but trust me when I say Baby Girl is racking up some really cute stuff!

I can't think of anything else to update you on so I guess I'll call it quits.  If you were almost 32 weeks pregnant, what would you be doing to prepare for the arrival of your baby?  (Assuming you weren't packing up a house, planning a yardsale, and moving in the next couple of weeks...)

Preggo Update

Time for another bullet-style update on this 40-week journey!

  • First, the stats: I am 28 weeks plus 3 days pregnant.  Finally in the third trimester, I only have about 12 weeks left.  That kinda scares the crap out of me, but on the other hand, I'm ready for it to be over and Baby Girl to be here.
  • I had my glucose test last Friday.  I am happy to say I survived the test but I still haven't gotten the results back.  Please pray that I passed!  I tried to cut back on sugars and carbs leading up to the test and it was awful; I'm not sure if I could do that for another 12 weeks.
  • Also on Friday, I received my Rhogam shot.  Getting the shot wasn't bad at all, but my arm felt like it was burning for an hour or so afterwards.
  • I have just over the past week started feeling a little uncomfortable.  I know it's way too early to complain about that so I'm trying to stay positive.  My belly button has popped out and sometimes I feel like the skin on my belly may rip in half.  And it's only going to get bigger...yikes!
  • My restless legs are out of control.  Some nights they are so bad I just want to cry.  Or cut them off.  It is very frustrating to be so tired but unable to be still and fall asleep.  I did get my prescription filled and it helped for a few days.  The medicine - Vistaril - is a sedative which I'm sure is why my dr. prescribed it.  The first couple times I took it I konked right out and slept all night.  After that though, the RLS was still bad.  There was one night in particular that it was so, so bad, I was up all night.  It felt like it spread to my arms.  I had taken the medicine that night and was so frustrated.  After doing some research the next day, I discovered that Vistaril is an antihistamine and antihistamine's can sometimes make RLS worse.  GAH!  So out with the medicine and I'm just praying every night that it won't be too bad.
  • Baby Girl still does not officially have a name, but I think we're getting close.
  • Her heartrate at Friday's appointment was 147 and the dr. says she's growing well.  She's still riding really low and she moves constantly throughout the day.  She's really active at night, to the point where sometimes I think she's spazzing out.  Doctor says that's normal too, so I'll roll with it!
  • The nursery design is progressing!  We ordered a crib a month-ish ago and just heard yesterday that it will be delivered this Friday.  I'm so excited to get to see it in person! I've also purchased two other pieces of furniture for her room (if she ever has one) and picked out fabric for all of her bedding.  I found a rocking chair that I like and hope to get it ordered this coming weekend.  My vision for the room is getting clearer and I hope it all comes together well.
  • We have officially registered!  That deserves more than one exclamation point because I am so, so glad it's over.  I don't know why, but I dreaded registering so much and did not enjoy it at all.  It was way more fun to register when we got married.  Baby stuff is so much harder; it's all so overwhelming and requires research.  Thank you to everyone who gave me suggestions, they were very helpful.  I'm sure our registries aren't perfect, but at least they exist now.
  • My energy disappears very quickly these days.  I'm blaming part of that on the heat.  It's going to be a long July and August if temps stay in the hundreds!

That's all I can think of right now in terms of updates.  If I'm leaving anything major out, let me know!  I'll post an updated bump picture soon, I just didn't have them uploaded tonight!

Preggo Post #2

Check out Preggo Post #1 here. I meant to write these preggo posts more frequently, but there is just no time! I mean, I guess there's time, I just don't really want to spend it in front of the computer.  But for the sake of journaling this adventure, here are some updates on where we are.

  • At the time of writing this, I am 23 weeks plus 3 days pregnant.  That means...

  • The countdown blocks were a gift from my friend Allison early on and we have enjoyed changing them each week.  It was pretty scary changing the blue block from a 2 to a 1.  We're more than halfway there...eek!
  • I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything still looks good.  Baby's heartbeat was 135.
  • I left yesterday's appointment with the bottle of Glucola that I have to drink for the next appointment for the gestational diabetes test.  You have no idea how much I'm dreading this test, and staring at the bottle of orange grossness in the fridge is not making it any better.  My nurse told me I should limit by carbs and sugars the week of the test.  Doesn't she know that's all I eat?
  • At that appointment, I will also get a shot of immunoglobulin for being Rh Negative.  Not a big deal, but the combination of the glucose test and the shot don't have me jumping up and down excited about that appointment.
  • As announced in this gender revealment post, we're expecting a baby girl!
  • At the moment, baby girl still does not have a name. We have options but just can't commit. Currently, we are referring to her as Polly (a name my dad suggested that we vetoed) with Ester as her middle name (wait for it...).  That means her fake initials are PEE - fitting, since that's what I have to do a lot.
  • Not only does she not have a real name, but Polly also still does not have a nursery or a suitable car to ride in.  We are still on the house hunt and hoping something good happens soon.  We know the car situation will be a fairly easy fix, so we aren't worried about it.
  • As far as possessions go, baby girl owns a bath, one book, a coming-home outfit plus another gown, and about 4 outfits she can wear next summer.  So, not much, but that's good since we don't have anywhere to put anything anyway.
  • I have just now begun to think about nursery furniture and color scheme.  I have a vague idea of what I want, but it's really hard to figure out since I don't have a nursery room to visualize it all in.
  • Haven't registered yet.  Am completely clueless on what all we need.  (Help?)
  • I have been feeling the baby move for quite a while.  I felt flutters around the end of April and then, on our anniversary in early May, she gave a noticeable kick that Doc was able to feel too.  She hasn't stopped moving since and seems to be riding really low!
  • I hesitate to post these pictures since they're so terrible, but a few people have requested them so here goes.  I take my weekly photo every Sunday afternoon.  Sometimes I don't remember to take it until after I've spent the day working in the yard or building in the shop or something, so they definitely aren't pretty pictures.  I won't post them all, but here are a few that show the bump's progress.



  • Overall, I feel pretty good.  The only major complaint that I have are my restless legs.  I had RLS before getting pregnant, but it seems to be much worse now.  I have been carrying around a prescription from my doctor for about a month now trying to convince myself I don't need it, but I am now thisclose to having it filled.  My legs drive me crazy all the time, and now my twitching and squirming is keeping Doc up all night too.

We are enjoying this journey and can't wait for baby girl to arrive.  There are so many things that have to get done before then, though!  I try not to think about it much because it's enough to make me feel completely overwhelmed.  I just keep telling myself everyday that it'll all work out.  And it will.  I know it will.


I've gone back and forth about how much I should or shouldn't say about the pregnancy.  Is it too personal, do people really care, etc.  But when thinking about this blog and why I even maintain it, I know that it is first a place for me to record my thoughts and life, second a place to keep our long-distance relatives informed of what we're doing and show off pictures of the kids, and third a place for entertaining or sharing tutorials and befores and afters.  When I broke it down like that, it became a no brainer.  Why wouldn't I want to record my thoughts on this journey?  One day I'll want to go back and read them, especially if I'm blessed enough to be pregnant again sometime. There were LOTS of things I wanted to say or ask during the first 12 weeks when I wasn't talking about it.  Now that the secret's out, it's kinda weird.  After spending 3 months NOT talking about something, I still occasionally get surprised when someone mentions it.  Wait, you know I'm pregnant?  Of course they know, I put it on the internet for crying out loud!  Now I'm kinda drawing a blank on all those things I wanted to write about, but I'll still try.  I'm sure for those of you that are old pros at this whole making-a-baby thing, you'll be able to point out how I'm doing it all wrong.  I may even elicit some eye-rolls at my amateur-ness.  But maybe for those of you who have been out of the game for a while, I'll spark some fond (or not-so-fond) memories.  And heck, those of you who are still waiting for your turn, maybe you'll learn something new here! 

Let's do this bullet point style, shall we?

  • As for the stats, I'm currently 14 (and a half!) weeks along and our due date is September 24.  We're a mere 5 weeks away from the big ultrasound and yes, we plan on finding out the sex.
  • We've had 2 ultrasounds so far.  Last time the baby's heartbeat was 155 and he (she?) looked a little something like this.  (Sorry for the crappy picture of a picture.)  That little white blob above the head/nose is his (her?) hand waving at us!

  • Both ultrasound visits brought out a range of emotions for me.  My thought pattern probably resembled something like this:  Oh my gosh, I'm freaking out this is weird why do I have to take off my pants that's cold what if it's really not there what if she can't find a heartbeat how many will there be she's showing me the screen but where the heck is the heartbeat doesn't she know I've never done this before that just looks like a blob where's the freakin' heartbeat oh there it is a heartbeat! oh my gosh a heartbeat! holy cow are you telling me there is seriously a baby? in my belly? holy crap I'm gonna be a mom.
  • Even not pregnant, I'm a bit of a worrier and have a fair amount of anxiety.  Because of that, I've given myself a fairly strict "No Googling" rule.  As I'm sure you know, it only takes a few clicks on sites like WebMD to turn a little symptom into a fatal tumor.  I figure I should steer clear of that right now, or I might think I'm dying every single day.  I also, to date, have not read a single pregnancy book.  As far as making this baby goes, I'm totally wingin' it.
  • I lied.  I'm not completely wingin' it.  I do have the What To Expect When You're Expecting app on my phone.  I don't use it much except to occasionally read the weekly updates.  I feel like there's got to be a better app out there.  Any suggestions?  Please, nothing that will scare me.
  • Doc was there when I found out.  I was way late but had had several negative tests.  I was actually getting ready to call the doctor to see what party of me was broken, but decided to take one more test before making the call.  It was a new brand of tests that we hadn't used before, and I must've woken up on the bad side of the bed because I was grumpy when I pulled a fresh test out of the box.  A few minutes later, I glanced at the test before stepping into the shower and saw a plus.  We'd been using tests that were one line or two.  I yelled to Doc, "It's a plus!  What does that mean?  Grab the box!" and after fumbling through the box instructions we found that plus = pregnant.  Then we high-fived.  (True story.  Our immediate reaction was to go for the high five like we'd just defeated our opponents in some kind of intense playoff game.)
  • After the first test, I took the other 2 in the package just to be sure.  Then, I convinced myself that someone could've tampered with the whole box, so I made Doc go out and buy the brand that kept giving us negative results.  I now have a nice little collection of positive pregnancy tests.  Gross?
  • I've tried to be proactive about preventing stretch marks from day one.  I immediately bought some cocoa butter lotion and use it every day.  I'm not sure how I made it this far in life without putting together that cocoa butter lotion would smell like, well, cocoa.  I'm like a walking tootsie roll.  I hate it; Doc and Lolli think it's the best thing ever.
  • My parents were the first people we told.  I'd always daydreamed of sharing the news in some kind of creative or elaborate way.  Maybe with blue and pink cupcakes or a wrapped up ultrasound picture or something.  It didn't happen that way at all.  We kept it a secret for about two weeks, I think, but then Doc was scheduled to go out of town for the better part of the week and I was going to stay with my parents for a few days so we could knock out some of the remaining beach house projects.  The problem with that situation was that I felt a little sick and I could no longer be in charge of all the painting.  Remember the post about our backyard painting party?  I kept finding other things to do while my dad, Doc, and my brother Nick did all the painting.  Finally, right before Doc left for the airport, we managed to get my parents alone in the kitchen.  Doc had the honors of telling them and asked that they not let me paint or lift anything.  They were excited but I squashed all the celebrations by yelling out "Here comes Nick! We can't talk about it anymore!" and we wiped the smiles off our faces and acted like we were having just a typical Sunday afternoon conversation.
  • We ended up telling my brothers and their wives before the 12-week mark too.  We had to since the beach house move-in day was quickly approaching and I knew they wouldn't let me get away without helping carry furniture in and out.  We also went ahead and told Doc's parents by sending them a picture text of the ultrasound.  Everyone was sworn to secrecy!
  • Speaking of moving into the beach house, I feel bad because I was really no help at all.  I gave orders from the couch while everyone else moved furniture and hung curtains.  One day I felt so bad, I laid down for a nap before 1:00 and woke up sometime around 5:00.  Whoops.  I really wasn't any help that day!
  • After the second ultrasound at 11 weeks when we felt like everything was going well, we finally told Anna and Wyatt.  I think they're initial reaction was shock since we completely caught them off guard, but if they were upset at all they hid it very well.  They both seem excited for different reasons, Anna because she'll be able to babysit and Wyatt because he can help us figure out what new car to buy.  (My MINI is not carseat friendly.)
  • Anna asked if we could get a pink or blue cake to find out if it's a boy or girl, so I guess we'll have a mini gender revealment party.  If a cake makes her happy about a new sibling, then we shall have cake!  That same night we also had them right down on a piece of paper what they thought it would be and we stuck them in an envelope with mine and Doc's guesses.  We discussed having a prize for anyone who guesses correctly.  The prize would have to be something that could possibly be split by a number of people, so Wyatt suggested that we all put in $5 and the winners split the money.  We're teaching them to gamble at a young age.  :)
  • I think boy; Doc thinks girl.
  • I've started taking weekly photos and it's really awkward.  More awkward than the turtleneck pictures.  I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to ever post them here.  Maybe when the belly actually starts poking out some.
  • In addition to a bigger car, we need a bigger house.  I shouldn't say need; we would like a bigger house.  Our current house has 3 bedrooms - ours, the kids, and one set up as a playroom.  Technically we could convert the playroom to a nursery, but since I want Anna and Wyatt to love their new brother and sister, taking something away from them and giving it to the baby is not really what I want to do.  Plus, they can't share a bedroom forever.  We currently have no prospects but I'm not letting myselft worry...yet.

My mind has gone blank.  I'm certain there was more I was going to say, but this has already gotten pretty wordy anyway.  I'm sure there will be more posts like this along the way.  In the mean time, if you have any tips or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!