Outtake Wednesday

You know how bloggers do Wordless Wednesday?  Well, I'm starting something new.  Today is officially Outtake Wednesday, because who doesn't love an outtake photo?  Sure, it might not be as catchy a phrase as Wordless Wednesday, but it'll catch on, just you wait. (This will probably be the only time I actually do it since I'm not good at consistently blogging these days, so I'm depending on you guys to make this huge.)

Mostly I just wanted to post these completely unedited,  funny (probably only to me) pictures.  I think more bloggers should post crappy pictures on their blogs.  You know, so I'm not the only one doing it. :)

Here ya go.  We tried to do an Easter bunny photoshoot.  This is what we got.  Cute, right?

Slap to the face.

Slap to the face again.  With a squished bunny.

Sweet little kiss on the bunny bootie or face plant?  I'll never tell...

Boom.  That's a wrap for Outtake Wednesday!

(It's not gonna catch on, is it?)