Halloween Wreath

Ok, I promise I'm not purposely putting off posting pictures (hello, alliteration!) of the new baby.  I'm uploading, resizing, and editing pictures right this very second.  I just thought that, in the mean time,  you guys might enjoy seeing the Halloween wreath I made. I actually bought the supplies for this wreath the same day I bought the supplies for the fall wreaths I made.  I made this wreath that same week too (Woah, wait.  Was that just last week? Seems like forever ago...), I just haven't gotten around to writing about it.  But today's the day!

This is another easy one that can be knocked out in no time.  My inspiration came from here and I pretty much copied her directions exactly.  They look different, though, because we used different types of wreaths.

Ok, let's get to it.  Here's my short list of supplies:  wreath (I used styrofoam), black duct tape, candy corn, and ribbon to hang the wreath (can be any color, obviously).

First step:  wrap wreath in duct tape.  You can see I stepped outside for this.  That's because my styrofoam wreath was shedding.

Beautiful, isn't it?  But I feel like it's missing something...

I didn't take play-by-play pictures of this next step, but it's real easy to figure out.  Just arrange your candy corns however you want them and then hot glue them down.  Yes, you have to place glue on each piece of candy and stick it down.  It doesn't take as long as you might think.  Like my inspiration wreath, I did mine in rows, with each row alternating the way the candy corns faced.

Here's my wreath after I'd gone through one full bag of candy corn.  Pretty good coverage!  Probably could've covered more if so many hadn't been eaten...  I pretty much made it a rule that if the tip was broken or it had any other kind of imperfection, it had to be eaten.  Hey, anything to make my wreath look good.

I tore open another bag of candy and kept going.  As you can see, my wreath is squared off and has a definite front and definite sides.  I contemplated covering the sides with candy corn too, but eventually decided I liked the way it looked with just the front done.

My last step was just to add the ribbon to hang the wreath.  I just wrapped a wide ribbon around the wreath and secured it to the top of the door.

Here's a view that shows the sides.  The black tape is what makes me think of it as a "Halloween" wreath instead of just a "fall" wreath.

Upclose so you can see my alternating rows.

That's it!  I told ya, super easy.  The wreath is now hanging on our back door in kitchen and it makes me happy every time I see it.

The best part?  I totally overestimated how much candy corn it was going to take, so there's a full bag left over that I guess I'm just gonna have to eat.  Darn.