
Woah, I'm really behind on posts.  There's so much to share (like my new nephew that was born yesterday!) but in the spirit of keeping things chronological around here, I'm going to start by finishing up the events of last weekend.  So, to recap, Anna and I made fall wreaths for my mom's front doors Friday night, and then we all got up bright and early Saturday morning for Wyatt's football game. After the game, and a quick shower for Wyatt, we headed to the church for the annual Hullabaloo.  It's our church's biggest fundraiser and it's chock full of activities.  There's a rummage sale, silent auction, country store, food, games, pony rides, train rides, and a bounce house.  I'm sure I'm leaving something out, too.  We arrived right at noon and were all pretty hungry, so we started with the food.  The men of the church spend a good portion of the week leading up to the hullabaloo smoking barbecue butts, and the end result is usually pretty tasty.  We all enjoyed barbecue sandwiches or barbecue nachos.  Yum!

It's funny how much more I like hullabaloo now that there are so many little people in my life.  I love getting to see them take in all the excitement and participate in the activities.  The first little person I ran into was Jett.  I'd heard earlier in the week that he'd lost his first tooth, so I asked him if he needed me to come help him find it.

He said we wouldn't be able to find it because the tooth fairy took it and left him five whole dollars.  Five dollars!  I'm pretty sure back when I was losing teeth, the tooth fairy just left what ever spare change my dad had in his pocket that day.  I never got folding money, especially a five dollar bill!  Jett lost the tooth right next to that one this week, too.  I might have to borrow some shopping money from him now that he's getting so rich!

Parker and Bren were there too, but they were way more into the ring pops they had just scored than my camera.  I couldn't get them to take a good picture at all.


After lunch, our kids ran off to play games.  I finally caught up to them when they were painting pumpkins.

I made it over to the pony ring just in time to see Miss Wesley finishing her ride.  She may have on a ballerina-esque outfit, but I think she's got a little bit of cowgirl in her.  She was a natural up there!

Little Alice (in her AR cheerleading uniform!) rode a neigh-neigh too.  I'm not sure that she was thrilled to be put up there, but there were no tears and she stayed on the whole time!

After one lap around, she was an old pro, holdin' on with just one hand like it was no big deal.

The bigger kids were too fast for me to catch on camera.  By the time we left, they had bags full of candy and several inflatable toys. I think they had a pretty good time.

It was announced in church the next day that the silent auction portion of the event brought in over four thousand dollars.  I wasn't there when the auction ended but I did check the bids before we left.  From my estimate, the tents that Mom made along with the few things Beth and I donated accounted for at least a tenth of that total.  Yahoo!

The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful.  We had a low-key night at home Saturday night and Doc left town for a work trip Sunday after church.  I think that gets us all caught up, so now I can go upload the pictures I took of a sweet baby boy!