These pictures are definitely my favorite series of the three. There are just so many cute pictures! While I sometimes had a hard time coming up with an idea for each month, once I had something in mind I loved doing the photo shoots. The early months weren't great as I hadn't gotten my groove yet, but the last few months were so fun!
As we get going with the infamous baby-in-a-pumpkin photo, can we all just say a quick prayer of thanksgiving that Katie Wynn doesn't look like a little old man anymore?? I love that I thought she was so cute back then (because she was) but I'm really glad she has grown out of the male-patterned baldness stage. :)
This was one of the hardest months because I was trying to get her to sit up at just 2 months old. What was I thinking? I gave up after 4 pictures so not too many to choose from!
I love the twinkle lights. We may have to recreate this one again this year. Except I don't think she'll lie still at all. It'll be more like blurry lights as she runs past me. We'll see.
Another month trying to get a baby to sit up and not succeeding. Also, I've noted that I should shop for New Year's party hats way before the end of January.
Kisses from both her Mom AND Dad while wearing ruby red lipstick. This girl is really loved.
“I’m just a wee bit Irish!”
April showers...
...bring May flowers!
I'm so glad she enjoyed being in the pool as much as she did this summer. Won't be long before she's a little fish and swimming all over the place!
Katie Wynn got to dig into some watermelon for the July photo. She wasn't so sure about it at first, but she ended up taking some big bites (and getting REALLY sticky!).
I had a hard time choosing just one picture for July, so here's a free bonus picture for you. I just love that little toothy grin!
School was back in session for August!
Getting ready to celebrate one full year!!
Okay, okay. I couldn't choose just one for this month either. She was just so tickled with herself in this picture. If you look closely, you can almost hear her little giggles.
Quick poll: keep going with monthly pictures for year two or give it up? If I keep going, which series do I continue on with?