Big Girl Room

Last summer we switched Katie Wynn to a big girl bed and made a couple of other little tweaks and I've been meaning to show you her updated room ever since!  The problem is that I still don't feel like it's done.  But, better to show it now than when she's in the rate I'm going it MIGHT be done by then!

The first step of changing her room was obviously finding a bed.  I was pretty sure that I wanted a wrought iron day bed, but man!  The prices were high online.  Especially when you added a trundle bed, which was another thing on my wishlist.  I did lots of online browsing and pouting over prices when one day, I just happened to see on Facebook a sneak peek yard sale picture that was going to be taking place the next day in my neighborhood.  In that picture was what looked like a wrought iron day bed!  I held my breath and crossed my fingers and hoped that I would get there in time to see it.

Fast forward to the next day and $100 dollars later, I was the proud new owner of a used wrought iron daybed, complete with pullout trundle bed! was hunter green.  I didn't let that stop me; I knew a can or two of spray paint could work wonders.

I was fine going the spray paint route until I read a blog post somewhere where the blogger had had something powder coated.  Curious, I did a quick search and found a place that did powder coating in our area and the price to have my new daybed done would be $100.  SOLD!  Powder coating would be a much more durable and smoother finish than what I could have done with spray paint and spending $100 sounded a lot better than standing out in the hot sun working on it myself.

Here are pictures of the finish after the powder coating.  I chose a pewter silver color that was similar to what her crib had been.  Much better than hunter green for a little girl's room!

If finding the perfect bed was step one, then step two was acquiring bedding.  I did not want to have to repaint the room or change the curtains for this upgrade, so it was important to find bedding that was the same color scheme that her crib bedding had been - pale pink and white.  And our local Pottery Barn outlet had just the set!    

I knew their pink and white polka dotted sheets matched because she'd been using a pillow with that pillowcase in her crib for a while.  And I immediately fell in love with this pink and white quilt when I saw it in the store.  One mattress, two sets of sheets, three european pillows, two standard shams, and five pillow inserts later, she had bedding!  (It is not lost on me that she has a full Pottery Barn bed set up while I sleep under Steinmart covers...)  My mom made the bedskirt out of fabric we found to match.

I really wanted to keep the tall pink bookcases that flanked her crib in the room and thankfully, they barely fit with the bigger bed in place!  It's a tight squeeze but it works for now.  I love how the paper dolls fill up the space between them.  

Speaking of bookcases, they are part of the room that doesn't feel finished to me.  I just can't find the right accessories to style them with.  

As you can see from the pictures above, one shelf has just one polka dotted bin while the other has three.  That's really hard for my symmetrical-minded brain to accept.  But, the sole reason for doing that is what sits on the second shelf (from the bottom) on the left bookcase - this tea set:

The tea set gets played with ALL the time, both by Katie Wynn and her brother!  In fact, every friend that comes in her room plays with it at some point.  So it would have been foolish of me to move it for a bin just so the bookcases would match.  

One of Katie Wynn's teachers painted this Minnie Mouse canvas for her when she became potty trained.  She loves it.  I think it was sweet, but it doesn't go with the room.  :)  But, it's on the shelf for now and probably will be for a while since I can't seem to find anything to replace it with!

In addition, we still have small child accouterments (monitor, sound machine) that have to fit on the shelves and picture frames that haven't been updated and a big blank space in the top cubby.  So that's why they don't feel super cute to me.

The last "big" change in the room is that we no longer needed a changing table so this piece has converted to just a dresser.  It needs cuter adornments too but right now the lamp, lion bank, and fan are doing just fine.  

The tiny shoes that sat on the pink shelf in her nursery are long gone, sadly.  Right now three McCarty's Pottery bunnies sit there but I think I'd like to get a mini porcelain tea set to go there.  Still haven't decided.  Above that is still the Barbie gowns that my grandmother crocheted and even higher up is her name, also crocheted (knit? I don't know) by my grandmother.  

Flanking the sides of that dresser are two cute baby doll toys she got for her second birthday.  To the left is the baby bed that is always full of babies and stuffed animals.  I love that my Mom made matching bedding for it. 

On the other side is the matching stroller.  Or pram, as it was called at Land of Nod.  Katie Wynn's other grandmother, Lala, knit a tiny blanket for babies to use!

Her rocking chair still sits in the corner of the room.  I'm just not quite ready to part with it yet.  Plus, her clothes get laid out on the ottoman every night for school the next day!  I think the only change here since I revealed the nursery are the two frames that were added to the wall. 

And the wardrobe wall is still the same too, no changes there.

Some people have really cute growth charts in their littles' rooms.  Us?  We can tell how tall Katie Wynn is by how far up she has tried to erase on this chalkboard sign.  :)

Here's a view of that side of the room so you can see where that sign is.  It's between her bathroom and closet doors.

So that's how her rooms looks these days.  Probably the next time we make big changes to it will be when it converts to a guest room and she moves upstairs!  I'm not ready to think about that yet...

Paper Dolls

When the time came for us to transition Katie Wynn from her crib to a big girl bed (yes, over a year ago!), the hardest part of the switch was figuring out what to do above her bed!  I adored her alphabet collage but, while it was so cute above her crib, it just did not work with the lines of the new bed.  I had an idea early on that I couldn't figure out how to execute so I scrapped it.  After that, I was STUMPED.

Then, I found inspiration in these little girls that I cut out.

Big paper dolls on the wall would be so cute, right?!

I liked the shape and proportions of the ones I had cut out of paper so Mom and I measured and drew a larger template to use.  Then I passed it over to my Dad so he and Matt could cut them out of a thin wood.  (It's not really wood, I can't think of what the material is called.  It's what pegboard is made out of, just without the holes.)  After they had five girls cut out, I painted them the same grey as her walls (except the white plank wall that they would be going on).  The first one went on, centered above the bed...

And then the other four were lined up with her!

Mom's part (probably the hardest part!) was next.  We cut out triangles for the girls' dresses and picked out fabric that would match the room.  Then she fashioned them into dresses that would cover the triangle forms and attach to the girls.  Scroll through the pictures below to see the dresses she made.  I love that the middle one has KW's's like a tiny nod to the alphabet wall that was there before it (that had her monogram in the middle).  

We weren't able to cut all five paper dolls out of one solid piece of wood.  And I really didn't want the seam where their arms met up to be visible.  So I purchased precut wooden hearts from Michael's and painted them pink.  They were the perfect finishing touch for our row of dolls!

Here's the complete view of all five dolls:

The dresses are just velcroed on to the doll forms.  I initially had thought it would be fun to let Katie Wynn take them off and redress them, but I still haven't told her about that idea.  Not sure I'm ready to encourage her to pull things off the wall.  And I know it would bug me if they weren't on straight or in the "right" order.  :)  Maybe one day...

I LOVE how this little project turned out and it was so easy to do.  This row of girls makes me smile every time I come into the room, especially when Katie Wynn names them all with her friends' names.  And this project just proves that sometimes you have to sit and wait and stare at an empty wall before the right idea hits you.  That's what I'm going to keep telling myself since there are still big empty walls in our house...

First Day of Pre-School

We have just completed our first week of preschool and what a fun, but exhausting, week it was!  I showed you in my last post the door hanger I made for pictures, and now I'm back to show it to you in action.  

In the past, Matt has taken the kids to daycare and I've had a few minutes on my own to get ready for work in peace and quiet.  But now that Katie Wynn can't be dropped off that early, I'll be taking her to school.  It's quite an adjustment to my schedule having her home with me and we have to get out the door quite a bit earlier too!  For the first day, though, we were up early and had time for some pictures.

A new school year meant a new matching backpack and lunchbox.  And she took an apple to give to her new teacher.  :)

As we drove to school, I prepared myself for clingy-ness and tears, but neither came!  She climbed out of the car with no hesitation and walked to her building just as brave as could be.  

Before going in, I tried to get her to sit on a pretty bench for a picture and she practically rolled her eyes and groaned at me about it.  I thought I had until the teenage years before that started happening.  :(

Walking into her classroom, two of her buddies were already there to greet her!

I am so glad she will be in class with Levi, Addi Clare, and Mason (not pictured).  I'm sure it made switching to a new school so much easier on her.

I briefly spoke with her new teacher, Mrs. Gladys, and then left her playing on the floor with friends.  I'll be honest, it made me just a little bit sad that she didn't need me, but I'm more glad that she was brave and being a big girl.  

As if a full day of school and after-school care wasn't enough for one day, Katie Wynn also started gymnastics on Monday!  It's her first extra-curricular activity and she was SO excited about it.  I took her to my niece, Bren's, gymnastics meet last spring and she has been asking ever since then when she could do it too.  She is in the youngest class (besides Mom and Tot classes) and it's just 45 minutes each week.

I was sitting pretty far away so my pictures were all zoomed in and grainy.  The gym looked old when I took gymnastics in it many, many years ago, so you can imagine how old it looks now!  Katie Wynn got to do exercises on the bar, jump off a spring board, do forward and backward rolls on a wedge mat, walk on the balance beam, and climb a mini rock wall and slide down.

Given her shyness, I wasn't sure that she would actually participate in the class, especially on the first day, but she had SO much energy there and jumped right in.  She had a hard time waiting her turn while others went and her teacher had to ask her to sit back down several times. 

She absolutely loved the class and had a slight meltdown on the car ride home when I told her she didn't get to go again the next day.  With such a long day and so much excitement, she crashed early and hard that night!

Since Katie Wynn is in a uniform now (bummer), I made Thomas a "first day of school" shirt to wear.  It was just another regular day of daycare for him in the same classroom, but I took pictures of him too so he wouldn't be left out.  :)

And here is Katie Wynn dressed and ready for day two.  She does not like wearing her jumper so she will more than likely wear her navy shorts and navy polo (I know! Bluh!) most days.  She's required to wear the jumper on Fridays, though, so at least we'll get to see her in it some.

By Friday we were all completely exhausted from our new routines!  We have spent today (Saturday) completely lounging around the house and being lazy.  Here's hoping we get adjusted soon!

Puddle Jumping

After a few pretty days of sunshine, we had a long few days of rain.  And in our neighborhood, that means ditches full of water!! 

In an effort to get out of the house during the 5 o'clock witching hour, we came home from school/work one day, changed into boots, and went out on a puddle jumping adventure.

Thomas is on a big rain boot kick right now.  He was so excited to put his on he couldn't be bothered with pants.  Hey, one less thing for me to have to wash, amiright?

Katie Wynn had a slight freak out when some water got on her hands and pants.  I had to talk her down and tell her that's what happens when you splash in puddles.

Thomas had no problems going splashing!

Proof that Mommy wore boots and participated too.  (So did Daddy, but he's not pictured.)

The kids waded through the deep ditch water...

...and stomped in the shallow puddles.

Katie Wynn came along to the idea of getting wet and before long, was trying to stomp so hard that the splashes reached her face.  

And then....  well, we knew this was coming, right?  You just haven't experienced childhood until you've squished mud between your toes.

We walked back home with bare feet, wet pants, and a soggy diaper.  Everyone got a good hose-down before going inside!

Baths were required before dinner, but the puddle jumping adventure was worth it!

Golf Coursing

If you've tried to visit the blog over the last few days, you may have noticed that it was down.  There was a bit of panic from me as I thought I had lost everything, but my friend Matt is awesome and was able to get us back up and running.  And everything is still here.  Thank goodness!!!

I was in the middle of this post when things went down.  We have had some really pretty days this month and for one of them, we took the kids out to the golf course.  The objective was to let them run, run, run!  (And then hopefully they would sleep, sleep, sleep!)

The Easter Bunny packed these cute golf cart tees in their baskets and they were so excited to get to wear them to go "golf-coursing."  That phrase was coined by niece, Bren, when she was younger and it has stuck with me and Matt.  :)  The tees are from Honey Bee Tees and I highly recommend you check them out if you like soft, colorful t-shirts with cute, simple drawings.  They have stuff for both kids and adults!

I think Matt thought he might actually get to play a hole or two while we were there, but that's not really possible when little hands keep picking up your ball and help to get it in the hole.

My three favorite people in one photo.

Obviously I have to take a billion photos when they're in matching clothes.  :)

There's a cat that lives at the golf course that is appropriately named Callaway.  Thomas can spot it from a mile away.  He yells "Kih-Cah!" and starts running towards it.  Callaway is nice enough to give them a second to pet her before running off.

There was a night the following week where we didn't have anything for dinner so we went back out to the club to eat.  Katie Wynn insisted that they wear their golf course shirts again.  This is great because I love for them to match.  This is bad because if they wear these every time we go out there, people are going to think they only own one shirt. 

They hung around outside - literally - until our dinner was ready to eat.  

I have a feeling there will be many more of these trips to the golf course this summer.  Let's just hope I can convince them to wear different clothes occasionally!