Dear Bill and Pat, Thank you for coming to spend the weekend with us and for forgiving me every time I had to run out on you. We were so glad to see you both! I hate that I had so many commitments and couldn't spend more time hanging out and visiting with you. Thank you, Pat, for treating me to a mani/pedi date. I love being pampered, I love how pretty my nails look, and I loved getting to spend the afternoon with you! Thank you, Bill, for the (insert fancy name here) trees that you bought and planted in our flower bed. It looks so much better already and I know it will only get even better as they grow and fill in! Thank you both also for taking care of Lolli, a delicious dinner out, and for being the best in-laws a girl could ask for! Love, Lucy
Dear Lolli, Thanks for tee-teeing all over the couch...not! Seriously? What was up with that? Let's not do that again, ok? Love, Mama
Dear Mom, Thanks for helping so much at the wedding on Saturday night, and for assuring me that I did a good job even when I felt like I did not. Thank you for getting all of your friends out on the dance floor so that Doc and I didn't have to dance alone all night. I don't know about you, but I've gotta hang my dancing shoes up for a while! The music you played during the ceremony was beautiful - Sweet Hour of Prayer is still my favorite. Love ya! Lucy
Dear Meghan, A huge thank you for supplying me with a ponytail holder Saturday night. Holy smokes, was it hot in there or what!?! I seriously think I might have died had I not been able to pull my hair up. So, you practically saved my life. (Super shiny photo below serves as testament to how frickin' it hot was in there!)
Thank you, also, for helping me and Doc represent the young crowd out on the dance floor, especially since the wedding party, uh, did not. You and that husband of yours (and heck, your parents too!) have some pretty sweet moves. Love, Lucy
Dear Doc, Thank you. I really can't say those two words enough for everything you did for me over the weekend. I will try to thank you for everything, but I am sure I will leave so much out. Thank you for all the behind-the-scenes work you did to make me look good, specifically ironing my clothes, loading up my car, packing me a drink every time I left the house, being the stern voice I don't have but needed when the groomsmen slacked on their ushering and the band's break started running long, dancing the night away with me even though it was 1000 degrees, and for being my right-hand man all night long.
Thank you, also, for all the little things you did during the weekend that I didn't have the time or energy to do, like emptying the dishwasher, folding laundry, filling up my car with gas, yardwork, and keeping us all fed. I'd be lost without you, for so many more reasons than just the little things you do to help me out. I love you! Lucy
Dear Dad, Thanks for demonstrating to the internets why you should never, ever wear a blue shirt to an event that's held in the middle of July with 100+ degree temps. Always choose white.
Hopefully you'll remember this photo this coming weekend when you're getting ready to attend that outdoor wedding you're invited to. Have fun! Love, Lucy