Birthday Dinner #1

Last Sunday night, my sweet friend Allison invited us over for a birthday dinner.  Her husband, Chris, and I share a birthday and our friend Charlie's is 2 days earlier.  It's a perfect excuse for us to all get together! Charlie and his wife Sarah live a couple hours away so we don't get to see them as often.  We were really excited to see them this time because they were bringing the newest addition to their family, Mr. Gus.

Doc LOVES babies when they're fresh out tha oven and still a little squishy.  And Gus was on his best behavior which made him even easier to love on.

Jenny took her turn with baby Gus.

I always love eating over at Allison's cause I know the grubs gonna be good!  For this dinner, she whipped up a Mexican meal and I think we did a decent job and knocking it all out.  The highlight for me, though, was definitely dessert (isn't it always?).

Here's Jenny and Darrin post present opening but pre-dessert.  See those mason jars in their hands?  We all got one with our name on it and inside was an ice cream cone.  (Also, see that orange box with 2 silver bowls in it?  I got one too, but we'll come back to that.)

Sarah and Charlie were also excited about birthday presents and dessert.

This one's blurry but Chris and Allison were there too.  Thank goodness since it was their house...

I've gotten really bad about forgetting to ask anyone to take a picture of me and Doc.  We were there too.  I was even wearing a cute new scarf.  Boo.

Anyway, while we wondered about the cone in our jar, Allison and Chris started scooping out homemade ice cream into bowls.

By the time our ice cream made it to the table, it had been topped by some kind of awesome homemade caramel sauce.  Allison had a fancy name for it but I can't remember it.

Then we were told we could open our jars and found out the cones were full of pecans that we could pour on top.

And then we were instructed to crumble our cones on top too.  Yum!

Not gonna lie, it was a pretty awesome dessert.  So much so that I wanted it again for breakfast the next morning.

So remember that orange box in the picture with Jenny?  That's a custom food bowl holder that Chris made.  Back when Allison posted about the one he made their cat, I not-so-subtley hinted that Lolli kinda wished she had one of her own.  And it worked! Allison mentioned it to Chris and he made her one!  I'm so glad because she's been eating out of heart-shaped bowls for over a year. (It made sense at first since we got her around Valentine's day.  There's really no excuse for why they became her permanent food bowls.)

Since she's only ever eaten out of her heart bowls, she was a little confused at first and had to investigate.

Hmmm...kinda gotta paw it to make sure it's ok.

And face plant!  I think she approves.

Just so we're clear, Lolli wasn't the only winner from that birthday dinner.  I also got to bring home a really cute L mug and a snazzy new bracelet.

Thanks for hosting us, Allison!  I'll be back soon with more birthday celebrations!