Polka Dot Trees

Everyone, meet Abby Kate.

Cute little thing, isn't she?

Abby is a two year old that just upgraded from a crib to a big-girl room.  Her mom, my supervisor at work, found her cute new bedding on sale at the Pottery Barn outlet and snatched it right up. The only problem? She needed something cute to hang above the bed.

That's where I came in.

The furniture that's in Abby's new big-girl room is a dark brown set that's been in the family.  Her mom was nervous that it wouldn't look like a little girl's room without white furniture.  I told her pink walls and a girly painting with her new bedding would make the dark brown furniture hardly even noticeable.  And I volunteered to do the girly painting.

I have to admit, I stole the idea for the painting from one  I saw in a friend's nursery. Her's was painted by her little sister and, since they didn't know the sex at the time, was not gender specific.

I love it and knew right away that I'd end up trying to copy it.  Who knew the opportunity would arise so soon?

So, back to Abby.  Her bedding was already purchased so I knew my color scheme. I took a pillow sham with me to JoAnn's and loaded up on craft paint. The canvases there were ridiculously expensive - $40 each! - so I decided to make my own out of wood. Much cheaper.

Here's how the canvases (I decided to do mine as a set of three) looked after the first night of painting. This is really my only "in progress" picture.

Just three bare trees in need of something to snazzy 'em up.

Skipping right along, here's the final product.

I think they turned out pretty cute!

So, off to Abby's room they went...

I like that they pop against the pink wall.  Abby's mom has ordered her a bright green toss pillow that's monogrammed with a pink "a" to go on her bed. I think it'll really help pull the green in on the bed.

And the good news is, I think Abby liked it!

She and her big sister, Kersten, enjoyed jumping on the bed and breaking in the new bedding.  This is the best I could do for a picture in between all the giggles.

Rumor has it that some green and white polka dot curtains have been purchased to finish off the room. I think it's perfect for a two year old!