Window Frames

Ok, so we used to have a big ol' empty wall in our living room.  

In my last post, I showed you how we filled up the corner on the right with a large Rustic X Bookshelf.  Now, I'm going to show you what we quickly did to fill up the space on the left.

I had received this cute window pane frame for Christmas and had not hung it up anywhere yet.

I thought the colors of it would work well in our living room but it was too small to hang on that wall by itself.  So, for my birthday, my Mom gave me two more window pane picture frames to go with it.  (They're all from World Market and come in white too.)  Grouped together as a set of three, they covered the blank wall nicely.

My camera didn't like all the glares from the glass so my pictures aren't great.  When we hung them on the wall, I intentionally left some of the panes empty so that I'd have room to add new pictures.  Now I kinda like them being half empty so who knows if they'll ever be completely full of pictures.

Matt took the hanging hardware off of one of these windows and re-positioned it on the other end so that I could hang the two windows with the hinges on the outsides.  So technically, one is hanging upside down.

The storage ottomans got pushed to this wall during a baby shower for extra seating and I ended up liking them there so they haven't moved back to in front of the fireplace yet.

So here is the wall back in it's big, blank days.

And here it is now.  So much cozier with stuff on the walls.  :)

Am I the only person that, after finally hanging pictures on the walls, stands back and says, "Wow, why didn't I do that a long time ago??"  Tell me you do that too.