First Haircut Is In The Books

Does anyone else go a reeeeeeallllly long time between haircuts and then wake up one morning and decide it's time?  And then, once you've decided it's time, it's all you can think about and you just want your hair cut rightthisverysecond?  Or is that just me?

The same thing happened to me with Katie Wynn.  No, she didn't go a really long time between cuts since this was the first one, but last weekend when I finally decided it was time for a trim, I couldn't get it done fast enough.  Y'all, she was rockin' a mullet.  Big time.  Here are some pictures from her bath that we took the night before the big cut. 


It's pretty long in the front too.  (And I couldn't resist taking at least one cute soapy picture.) 

long hair

In my head, I had worked this first haircut up to be a Very Big Deal.  In reality, it was over in about 3.3 minutes.  She didn't even get to wear a cape!  We went to visit my hairstylist, Chase, at 3:30 on Wednesday and were walking back out the door by 3:40.  At his recommendation, we decided to just trim the back.  The front definitely gets in her face but, as he said, it's gotta grow out sometime, might as well get it over with now. 

She surprised us all and did really well!  No tears, no trying to get up.  She was very serious since she had no idea what was going on. 

hair cut
hair cut
hair cut

I wish I had a really great After photo for you, but I don't.  It really doesn't look much different, especially from the front!  In fact, if I didn't tell you she got her hair cut, you might not even know.

new do
new do

This after picture of the back actually looks pretty bad, but that's because he cut her little curls in half (yes, it actually curls a little back there!).  It looked much better today after it had been washed and dried.   She looks like she has a little bob.  :)

new do

I had no intentions of keeping a lock of hair - I mean, really, what do you do with that anyway? - but Chase gave us one so here it is.  This is how much got cut off the back of her hair.  I put this in her keepsake box for now but I'll probably end up throwing it away.  What's the point of keeping hair? 


So this first is officially done.  And it came just 12 days before her first birthday!