Surprise Party! (Part 3 of 3)

Let's wrap this party up!  This will be the Surprise Party: Photobooth Edition.  Check out the Planning, Details, and Decoration Edition here and the Actual Party Pictures Edition here. Ok, I've hit most of the highlights of the party - invitations, how we got my mom there, decorations and dancing - but there's one last thing I haven't even touched on.  I knew as soon as I started planning this shindig that I'd want to do a photo book for my mom afterwards, and I figured the book would be a lot better if the guests could leave their own messages for my mom.  And what better way to make that even more interesting than to throw in some costumes and props?

To make all of this happen, I set up a corner of the room as a photobooth.  I wrote a message on this chalkboard (made by my dad) so that guests would get the idea.

Then next to the sign, was this big box that I had wrapped up like a present full of costume pieces and props.

Thank you to all my friends that supplied me with such great props.  We had a ton of things, especially hats!

Once again, I have to give special thanks to Allison for manning the photobooth and taking pictures all night.  Of course I had to make sure we took a picture together.

Doc joined me for a photo, too.  I'm not really sure exactly what look we were going for.

While the one of both of us is fun, I think the one I took by myself is my favorite.  I might look nice, y'all, but don't mess with me when I have my gun.

Everyone else did a much better job of using the markerboard I had out to write a message.  I think the rest of these can probably speak for themselves.

I am so glad that just about everyone participated.  These pictures will be great for her scrapbook, and will be so fun to look back on!