Birthday Finale

I finally got a chance to upload the pictures from my final birthday celebration, but I have not had time to do any kind of editing (story of my life these days).  My last party was with my family and was held last Sunday afternoon after church.  It was perfect - the weather was nice enough to play outside and a lot of little people that I love were there.  I hadn't seen them in what felt like forever! Bren and Jett were the first to arrive and we spent some time playing with sidewalk chalk.  I had them lay down on the driveway so I could trace around them.  They are so ticklish that they couldn't lie still!  When we finally got a decent outline, we decorated them.


Bren's drawing is on the left and says that she's Gone Flower Pickin'.  Jett's is on the right and he's Gone Fishin'.  Of course, as soon as I drew something for one, I had to draw it for the other so they're actually both holding flowers and a fishing pole.  Multitaskers, I tell ya.

We also played some hopscotch and man! that's a lot more tiring then I remember it being!  And either I'm really, really bad at it or there was some creative score keeping going on by Jett because I lost big time.

Bren made up her own rules when it was her turn so she beat me too.

I finally told Jett, my six-year-old best buddy, about the baby in my belly (did you catch that announcement?).  After I told him he gave me a quizzical look and said, "You want one?"  I wasn't sure if that question was because I'd never expressed interest in having a baby (around him) or if it was more of a 'but you already have me' kind of question.  I like to tell myself it was the latter because he loves me so much and wants to keep me for himself, but I'm pretty sure it's really the former.  While I love all the little people in my life equally, Jett was the first baby born in my adult life that I've spent a lot of time around.  He'll always have a special place in my heart.

The other two boy munchkins arrived as we finished up hopscotch.  Parker was sporting a nice bruise on his forehead.  He is ALL boy!

And this little squish face was wide awake!  I can't believe how much he's grown.

My mom had everything ready so we could grill out hot dogs and hamburgers.  She'd also made not one, not two, but THREE different dips (dips are my favorite food group).  After lunch I had several extra hands while I was opening my gifts.

We moved outside for dessert and this little sassafrass said she'd help me blow out my candles.

I really think Jesus (and the wind) blew out the flames before the birthday song was over, but we pretended anyway.  It just wasn't in the cards for me to blow out candles this year.

Jett, Bren, and their parents had to leave soon after dessert because they were headed camping.  I'm still waiting to hear how that went!  Bren had her minky dot princess sleeping bag packed and said she was ready to sleep outside.  I hope, for her parents' sake, that she did do some sleeping that night.

Ramer took turns in all of our laps.

This was my favorite shot of him; Doc had him grinning pretty good for a few minutes.

And then they had to leave too to go take naps.  I konked out for a pretty good nap too, so it was an excellent birthday afternoon!

Ok, enough of that.  Who's staying up late tonight to go watch the premier of the Hunger Games at midnight??  This is the first time I've ever considered going to a midnight movie, but in the end I decided a 3 am bedtime would not do me any good at work the next day.  Doc and I have purchased our tickets for a 4:30 showing tomorrow afternoon.  I can. not. wait!!