Beach House Tour: Part 1

I have way too many pictures for one post so forgive me, but I'm going to have to break this up a bit.  Seeing as how this something we've been working on and talking about for months, it seems fair to give it more than one measly post, right? 'Spose we better start outside.  Now, first, lemme tell you that while I was there, there were still several things left to do.  Thankfully, most of those things have been completed by now, but I may not have a picture of them after completion.  So keep that in mind while we go through these photos.

You've seen this shot several times, but never before with red doors.

Up close, though, you can tell that there's only one coat of paint on the door so far.  A rain shower kept the painters from finishing that before we arrived.  The cross bars in the windows will also be painted red.

This view, below, shows the door from the front porch to the screened-in porch on the side.

And here is that porch from the side.  The screen was just installed the week we arrived, and I have a good feeling there's going to be a lot of time logged on that porch.

I forgot to take a picture of it once we put furniture in it, so that'll have to come at a later date.  For most of the weekend, the front porch was crammed full of empty cardboard boxes and trash.  We were that house on the street.  I'm sure our neighbors were thrilled when we finally took it all to a dumpster.  When we first got to the house, the porta-potty was still on site.  As excited as I was for it to arrive to officially mark our worksite, I was way more excited to see it go!

Right now on the upstairs balcony, we just have two comfy papazon chairs.  Hopefully soon we'll build a hanging bed to go up here too.

Here's a pic of our little bike shed.  The floor hadn't been installed yet while Doc and I were there, but it's since been done.

I didn't take too many exterior shots while I was there because the landscaping still hadn't been done.  All we had were a few palm trees and a lot of sand.  It was a bit of a hot mess.

My mom texted me photos later in the week to show that the sand has now been covered up!  Our plants are in and the beds are covered with pine straw.

The pool still needed some work so I didn't take many pictures of it either.  While I was there, the water had just been added and didn't have any chemicals in it.  The heater also hadn't been hooked up and, after a huge storm we had one night, it was full of leaves.  With no pool tools, we couldn't do anything about them.  We bought 3 lounge chairs (on sale!) from Target while we were there.  I've already tested one out and I must say, they're great for napping!

The pool man came later in the week and got everything cleaned out and up and running.  It's ready for someone to take a dip in it!  Mom and Dad also went back to Target to pick up a few more patio chairs and tables.

A view from the top.

I hate that we didn't get jump in it while we were there.  Doc and I will be going back in just a few weeks so hopefully, assuming it doesn't rent out in the next few days, we'll still get to be the first ones to swimming in it.

So that's the exterior.  I guess I forgot to take a picture of the back porch.  That's where the grill and outdoor shower are.  I'll invite you inside next...