Children's Museum!

A couple of weekends ago, Mom and I took the kids to the Children's Museum.  Katie Wynn had been only one other time when she was really too little to enjoy it, and this was Thomas's first time ever.  They both LOVED it!  

In typical fashion, Katie Wynn was a bit shy and hesitant at first, but she was running all over the place in no time.  We stayed all morning and even had lunch there.  Know what that means?  Good afternoon naps!

Busted!  Headed to jail in the cop car.

We spent a long time in the toddler area because everything was perfectly sized for them.  They loved watching all the other kids their ages too.

Thomas LOVED the slide!

By far, the highlight was definitely the mini grocery store.  I loved it too when I was little!  Is it any surprise that "they" had to check out multiple times with those super cool cash registers?! :)

Even with so many toys and attractions everywhere, it was this floor fan that I had to drag Thomas away from so that we could go home.  He was obsessed with it!

I think there were a few spots we missed, and we didn't even venture outside to the playground and splash pad.  It's a good thing we purchased a membership because we'll definitely have to go back.  Hopefully soon!