April Phone Pics

How about a quick round-up of April's phone pics before the month of May is over?  Geez, why is time going by so quickly these days???  Sloooooooooooow doooooooown.

A lot happened in April and like every other month, I took pictures of it all along the way.  I've already showed you pics from our bike rides, tulips, new swing set, and Easter, so I'll leave those out of this post.  

The month started with the most exciting thing - getting to meet my sweet new niece and grandbaby number NINE for my parents!  Lilli Greer actually arrived on March 31st but I didn't meet her until April 1st.  She is just the most precious little thing ever and has a head full of dark hair!  I think she looks like her mommy, though I occasionally catch glimpses of her daddy too.

We finally started having some warmer weather this month, making playing outside a necessity everyday after "school."  Katie Wynn's love for bubbles is still going strong, but she must do them herself! 

You might be able to tell in the pictures above that one of her buddies at school used her dress as a canvas that day.  She had blue marker all over!  Luckily it all came out.  :)

Speaking of canvases, during the month of April we had our first crayons-on-the-wall experience.  I tell you, Katie Wynn was so excited about her coloring job and so thrilled to show it to me that I couldn't even get on to her.  I think I broke her little heart when I told her that was a no-no and that we absolutely could not color on the walls or stairs.  She helped me clean it up and so far, it has not happened again.  

Several, several years ago, Anna asked for a "giant" teddy bear for Christmas.  My sister-in-law, Beth, came through for her and gave her this enormous brown bear.  Since we moved into our current house, the bear has sat in the corner upstairs in our rarely used play room.  One weekend, Katie Wynn found the teddy bear and lugged it down the stairs.

She insisted on napping with the giant bear and I cannot even begin to tell you how much I jumped when I rounded the corner to check on her during her nap and saw that big brown thing in her crib.  I knew it was in there but had forgotten and it scared me to death!

Thomas has been doing so, SO much better with his naps and sleeping at night.  In fact, I'm almost scared to even write about here in fear that I might jinx it.  I commented to someone the other day that I have so many pictures of Katie-bug asleep in her bed but none of Thomas because it's just not worth the risk of waking him up.  I finally have one, though!  He is doing better about napping in his own room in the afternoons and has been sleeping all through the night in there too.  With the exception of one night this week, he hasn't had to get in our bed during the night in about a month!  (pleasepleasedon'tjinxit)  I'm contributing it to the essential oils I've started using - I'm officially a believer in them!  It has been so nice to get full nights of sleep in our bed with no kiddos wedged in with us.

More afternoon bubble blowing (and look at poor Thomas out by himself on the swingset, ha!).  

We are still loving having our very own set of swings out in the backyard!  

This month, this has been my favorite outfit to put Thomas in and it came from...Walmart!  He's about to outgrow it so I made him wear it every time I had it clean.  I just love those gingham checks.  :)

Every now and then, I actually get a day when both kids are cooperating for pictures.  This was one of those days.  They were both smiley and happy!

Sometimes after "school" we stop by Mimi's to play for a few minutes.  Both kids love to swing, especially if someone will swing with them.  Mimi was the chosen one on this day!

Mom will probably want to kill me for posting this pic, but I think it's hilarious.  She tried to get Katie Wynn to sit in between her and Thomas, but Katie Wynn pitched a fit to swing in the back.  I'm sure it was super comfy for Mom!

We take a lot of pictures in the mornings after getting dressed.  :)

Sometimes it's impossible to get a good clear shot.

Mid-month, we were invited to a tea party at church.  Beth and Bren were there too!  In typical fashion, Katie Wynn was shy and clingy and wouldn't let me put her down.  

Bren wore a boa and participated in the parade and crafts while we played over in the corner by ourselves...

I finally got a boa on her for one decent shot before leaving.

Totally random, but Charlie (my parents' dog) naps like this.  He's not modest at all.

Also totally random, if I ever attempt to do computer work at home while the kids are awake, my view is something like this.  My little people don't like for Mommy to use the computer.

Katie Wynn helped Mimi make brownies.  Mimi gave her the spoon to lick after they poured the batter into the pan.  Then Mimi turned her back to put the bowl in the sink.  What did Katie Wynn do?  She kept going for more batter straight out of the pan!  I really can't say I blame her.

Do you ever have one of those days where you just really need to wear your "gobbles" during dinner?

Bath time tea party with cousin Bren with lots of "cheers!" and splashing!

Matt spent one morning blowing off the patio and spraying down the furniture.  The kids were enamored with it all and stood and watched him for over ten minutes.  I was actually able to get a few quick things done while they stood there and watched!

Here's Thomas rocking the one-shoulder look.  How did he get his arm out of his shirt?  I have no idea.  If I had to guess, though, I'd say his sister was involved.

Matt traveled for the better part of a week in April so we stayed at my parents' house for a few nights.  (It's so much easier to have their help with the kids!)  Here are two pics from our visit - the first is of Katie Wynn using the wall phone that doesn't work.  She had the same conversation over and over.  "Hello, Daddy.  You won't cookie?  You not here.  You still at work."  Hang up and repeat.

The second picture is of her going night-night in a big bed!  She chose to sleep here instead of in the baby bed.  She did roll out one night but we had pillows on the floor to catch her so it wasn't too bad.  We might be moving out of the crib soon!  (I know it's time, I just don't want to.)

We made it to the tail-end of my photos.  Smell ya later!