Wagon and Chairs

I'm thirty-two now.  The last time I blogged I was only 31.  That means...I've had a birthday!  And, if I'm being perfectly honest, it was not a particularly good birthday at all.  We're coming off a weekend full of sick kids and a super sick husband and doctor/ER visits and lots of medicines and me playing nurse, but as of today, I think we've turned a corner and everyone is feeling better!  I may have to demand a do-over for my birthday next weekend.  :)

For my birthday, God gave me a glorious 70 degree sun-shiney day!  I was stuck indoors for most of it but I did get the kids out for about an hour in the evening so that it wasn't a complete waste.  We ventured over to my parents' house so that their Daddy could keep resting, and Mom and I dusted off the wagon to take them for a ride.  

"Are you ready?"  "I'm ready!"  "Let's go!"

This was Thomas's first wagon ride to sit in by himself!  (He rode a couple times last year in his car seat.)  And actually, he didn't sit for the ride at all; he stood the entire time!  It didn't matter how many times I put him down on his bottom, he popped right back up.  He's supposed to wait until he's older to give me heart attacks!  I'm gonna have to invest in helmets just for wagon rides now.

"Everybody HOLD ON!"  Katie Wynn was obsessed with his pants on the ride (??) until she eventually pulled them all the way off him.

Then she worked on trying to get her pink shoes on his feet.  He wouldn't keep his feet still enough for her.  :)

I think the first ride of the year was a big hit!  Can't wait until we can do it more often.  See how much rain water is still standing in Mom's yard?  And we're supposed to get a lot more of it this week.  Ugh, go away winter and rain!  This brief tease of a day has us ready for spring.

When we got home, Katie Wynn pulled out her pink chair to sit in so I pulled out Thomas's too.  Just like the wagon, this was his first time to be able to sit up in it.  I think he liked it...and all of a sudden Katie Wynn looked enormous to me.  (Two-year-olds don't care about what feet their shoes go on...)

I really don't think of Thomas as looking much like Katie Wynn anymore, but their expressions in this picture are so similar that I can still see the resemblance!  

"I hope she shares that ball with me."

These are the last two I was able to snap before Katie Wynn spotted our neighbor dogs coming for a walk.  We had to rush to get them treats to feed them as they passed by our house.  :)

I hope this is the beginning of the end of winter.  Seeing the kids outside together yesterday just gave me a taste of all the fun we're going to have this summer...especially when Thomas starts walking on his own!