Here are some pics from my phone from what we've been up to over the past month.
Fun times at the swimming pool!
Helping trim Mimi's flower beds for her birthday.
Happy times out at a restaurant with friends!
Llama, Llama, Nighty Night read by Poppy.
We have been so incredibly busy the last month with work and other projects, but we've managed to squeeze in some fun times too. We had the big kids a couple weekends ago and they just play so well with Katie Wynn! They adore her and she loves them right back. We signed up as a 5K together and all did well. Wyatt finished 20th overall! I pushed Katie Wynn in the stroller and am just glad we finished!
I ordered this cute push wagon toy for Katie Wynn for her upcoming birthday. The day it came in, I put it together to see how it looked and Katie Wynn grabbed hold of it and just took off walking! We decided to let her go ahead and have it since she may be already walking on her own by the time her birthday gets here. She LOVES it! She walks behind it some but mostly she loves crawling in and out of it. And if you're around when she crawls into it, you better get ready to give her a push!
Speaking of her new favorite toy, we had friends over for dinner one night and Katie Wynn did a good job of sharing the wagon her friend Addi Clare. By "sharing," though, I mean she somehow convinced Addi Clare she should push her around in it.
Another one of Katie Wynn's current favorite activities is making a royal mess. I imagine this is an activity she will continue to perfect over the years.
While we were visiting my aunt a week or two ago, Katie bug found a horsie her size!
One day while shopping I set KW down on the floor in Gymboree so I could skim the sale rack. Next thing I knew, she was standing up going through the clothes rack too! My job here may be done...
My mom was keeping Jett and Bren one day and KW and I came to visit. We told the kids that if they behaved all morning we could go out to eat for lunch and they could even choose the place. That's how we ended up sitting in a booth at the gas station McDonald's enjoying some fine dining.
I think that gets us pretty caught up. It's been a busy summer but we have been enjoying every minute with this sweet little girl!