A Trip to the ER

The first full week of school, the kids and were unwinding from our day by playing in the backyard.  We were all barefooted in the grass but I was the one that accidentally stepped on a wasp.  Ouch!  My first thought was that I'd stepped on a stick so I moved my foot and stepped down again, digging the stinger down right in between my toes.  I ran inside and sat down on the kitchen floor to see why my foot hurt so bad and that's when I figured out what had happened.  I could not believe how much pain I was in!

Matt was quick on his feet and had my foot coated in baking soda (I think?) and covered in ice within minutes, all while I squirmed on the floor, squawking like a baby bird.  I was hurting pretty bad, but that is not why went to the ER.

After a bit, Matt got me settled on the couch in our bedroom with a pack of ice while he put the kids in the bathtub and handled the bedtime routine.  I could hear the kids playing and splashing at the got cleaned and once, when Matt rinsed them off, I heard Thomas choke and cough.  "Is he ok?!" I called out to Matt who was already patting our boy's back and pulling him out of the tub.  "He's fine, just got some water in his mouth."

The kids gave me loves and Matt tucked them into bed and we turned the lights out on a mostly ordinary day, save for the dang wasp sting.


Fast forward a few hours to the middle of the night - maybe around 4 am? - and Thomas woke up crying and climbed into bed with us.  Poor guy seemed to be stopped up and neither Matt nor I could fall back to sleep listening to his labored breathing.  Both of our minds drifted back to the choking incident in the tub and before I knew it, Matt had his phone out googling secondary drowning - the same thing on my mind.  We agreed that a trip to the ER was required just to put our minds at ease.  Matt and Thomas loaded up in the car while I stayed behind with a sleeping Katie Wynn.

The boys returned home shortly after 6 am with a good report on Thomas.  No such thing as secondary drowning according to the doctors that saw him, but they gave Matt a list of symptoms to watch for it.  By 8 am, everyone was at school and work, as if nothing had ever happened.

It wasn't until after lunch that I received a phone call from the school about Thomas.  When I arrived to pick him up, he was laying down on the cot in the nurse's room.  I explained that he had been at the ER all morning and that he was probably exhausted.  

Back at home, my chair was crowded with not just a sleeping boy, but a snoozing dog too (that's the white ball of fur behind my head).


Thomas took a great nap and rode with me to pick up Katie Wynn from school.  That was around the time his condition worsened.  We pulled back up to our house just minutes before Matt arrived home from work, and Thomas was really struggling to breath.  His chest was caving in on the inhale, one of the symptoms the hospital had told him to watch for.  So we took Katie Wynn to my parents' house and drove as fast as we could back to the ER.  It was probably the longest car ride of my life, sitting beside my little boy who could barely breathe.  He wouldn't keep his eyes open and it scared me to death.

Apparently breathing issues get you fast-tracked through the ER wait list, and with Matt having just been there hours before, getting checked in went very quickly.  Within an hour of pulling up the emergency room doors, Thomas was receiving his first breathing treatment.

When the mask first came on, it scared him to death.


He really did not want to breathe the medicine in through his mouth like instructed, so we facetimed Matt's parents for encouragement.  They did ten counts of deep breaths with Thomas to help get him going.  It actually worked!  I had sent my Mom a picture of him and Katie Wynn was asking a million questions and worried to death about what was happening.  So we facetimed her too so she could see him getting his medicine and she cheered him on like the best big sister.

Thomas was diagnosed with croup with stridor breathing - meaning his airway was constricted causing a very high pitched whistle when he inhaled.  The doctors told us it was like he was breathing through a tiny straw.  This is different from a wheeze as that happens on the exhale.  After his breathing treatment, the doctors checked his check and collarbone to see if they were still being pulled in when he breathed.  They were, so another breathing treatment was ordered.

Thomas did the second breathing treatment like a champ and was really so brave throughout the whole ordeal.  I could tell he was exhausted but he still smiled for my camera! 


Then came the waiting game.  At this hospital, two breathing treatments equals an automatic overnight stay in the hospital.  Most patients that receive two breathing treatments require a third one too, with the stridor returning in the middle of the night.  We sent Matt home to get dinner and clothes while we waited for a room to be ready for us.

We had the sweetest nurse - Madison - that brought Thomas orange popsicles.  She knew the way to his heart!


We were very glad to have our own triage room, complete with a tv, to chill in while waiting for Matt to return and our room to be ready.  


We didn't realize our wait would be so long!  Thomas was so tired, but had also had a steroid so he alternated between almost falling asleep and being bored and antsy.


It was after 9pm when we finally got the news that our room was ready.  Thank goodness!  I love this picture of Thomas and his daddy riding in the wheelchair.  


My baby boy looked so tiny in his new bed!


As soon as we told what felt like 20 different doctors and nurses the events of our last 24 hours, we were finally able to turn out the lights and get some rest.  The best part of the night was that Thomas's breathing stayed steady the whole night and we never needed a third breathing treatment.  Yay!  This meant we would be discharged the next day.

The next morning, Thomas received a visit from Mrs. Sarah Catherine, the children's director from our church!  She brought him Leo the Lion who, like Thomas, is very brave.


It wasn't until the middle of the afternoon that the doctors had finished their rounds and ordered our discharge papers.  We were ready to bust out of there!


And, because I'm sure you are wondering, my foot was still swollen, throbbing, burning, and itching worse than ever before!  I didn't get any sleep that night in the hospital because of my foot and that darn wasp sting.


When we finally got back home that afternoon, it didn't take long before I was right back where this whole adventure started - sitting in my chair with a sleeping boy in my lap.


We are very grateful for the quick attention we received from the emergency staff at the hospital, and for the excellent care our boy received from every nurse, doctor, student, and therapist that came through his room.  We also appreciate both of our parents' help with taking care of Katie Wynn so we had one less worry while with Thomas.  Most of all, we are so glad that our boy bounced back so quickly and while still very scary, just needed a couple of breathing treatments to cure his illness. 

Here's to no more trips to the ER (or wasp stings!) hopefully ever again!

A Trip to Fayetteville

The first full week of school, the kids left with nothing to do and nowhere to go.  Daycare had ended for the summer, and preschool hadn't started yet.  I had been wondering for weeks how I was going to keep them occupied for about ten days straight.  Rather than sit around and be bored at home, I decided we would take a mini vacation to Northeast Arkansas, visit with friends, and hit a couple of kid-friendly attractions.  

Mom and I loaded the kids into the car late morning on a Monday and hit the road.  My friend, Emily, was in the same predicament as us with her kids being between summer programs and school starting, so she welcomed us with open arms for a visit!  We made it to their house late afternoon and took the kids to a fun restaurant that had an awesome outdoor play area for the kids to run around while we got to sit and visit.  It was a perfect night.

She and her kids were busy the next morning so we ventured out on our own to the Wild Wilderness Drive Through Safari.  We arrived right as they opened for the day and hit the petting zoo first.  We bought a couple of bags of feed and then you just walk into a pen with some loose animals (and some behind fences) and pet and feed all you want.  There were goats in the same fenced area as us and they knew exactly what was in our little white sacks.  Those dudes were aggressive and the horns on their heads are not soft!  We fed lots of goats and sheep and pigs and even a baby bull.  

Pictured below are the bags of food we were able to purchase for $1.  Each bag had some feed and two very stale pieces of wheat bread.  Since we were some of the first visitors of the day, these were possibly left over from the day before.  Why is this important?  Well, it's not.  Except that as I was busy feeding the goats, I turned and saw over my shoulder that Thomas was having a snack.  He ate an ENTIRE SLICE of gross, stale, covered-in-animal-food-crumbs piece of bread.  Gross!


After emptying our bags of food, we wandered over to the next petting zoo area to visit the cutest little kangaroo I'd ever seen.  We learned her name was Reba.  


Reba had THE SOFTEST fur I'd ever felt and we all thought it was hilarious that, as my Mom was petting her, she jumped right up on her! 


We laughed and I took pictures and it was funny, ha ha, and then y'all - excuse my language here but - shit got real.  Do you see this picture below?  This is what my nightmares are made of.  


Reba kinda jumped up and hugged my arm (below left) and licked me over and we thought it was funny and then, I have no idea how this happened or what went wrong, but Reba pounced on me and started HUMPING me.  Aggressively.  All I could do was scream, "REBA! REBA!" as people turned to look and my mother - no help at all - could not catch her breath from laughing so hard.  My kids?  Terrified at the sight of this wild animal ravaging their mother.  Probably scarred for life.  And the young petting zoo employee is just standing off to the side going, "Oh wow.  I've never seen her do that before." Meanwhile I'm all "REBA! REBA! GET DOWN!"  Do you see that picture on the right?  That was at the end of the escapade - how I even got the picture I do not know - and can you tell how she is practically trying to break my arm?! 


Below are a couple of my battle wounds - superficial scratches, sure, but we all know those are the ones that sting like crazy.  It's safe to say that I will no longer be jumping at the opportunity to get inside a fence with a wild kangaroo.  


After we pet all the animals we could, we piled into the car for the drive through portion of the safari.  The kids loved it because they didn't have to be in their car seats.  Mom and I loved it because there really were SO many animals to see!  We drove through looking at animals for probably an hour but definitely could've spent more time there if the kids weren't getting antsy.


Here are some of the many animals we drove past - white and orange tigers, zebras, tons of different breeds of deer, bears, monkeys, even a hippopotamus.  

Our tour was slightly delayed when we came to so camels in the road.  Not really the make-up of your every day traffic jam.  They were not really interested in being in any kind of hurry to move out of our way.  


We watched the camels finally walk past us out my side (passenger) of the car and then turned back around to move forward again, only to spot this fella out Mom's window ready for a stare down.  He (she?) would not stop staring through the window at us!  The picture of him (her?) finally walking away looks exactly like my go-to hand figure for shadow puppets.  


One of my favorites: a Zonkey.  Nope, not even kidding.  Got that donkey figure with those zebra stripes.  


It was lunch time when we finally left the Safari and the kids were starving.  Emily had told us to go to The Wooden Spoon if we could so we looked it up and went straight there.  We were surprised at how packed it was on a Tuesday for lunch!  We had to wait about an hour but the food was well worth the wait.  


Late that afternoon, we joined Emily and her kids at their neighborhood pool where we all swam and ate pizza for dinner.  The weather was perfect that night and we had the pool all to ourselves for a while.  


We visited the neighborhood playround too.  We sure miss these friends of ours living in our town! 


When you're on vacation, you can stop for chocolate ice cream cones at 9:00 in the evening!


We were scheduled to drive back home the next day, but decided to squeeze in one more fun stop before hitting the road.  Emily and her kids joined us and we all went to the Amazeum in Bentonville, AR.  The kids loved playing with all the fun toys and cool attractions, and maybe I enjoyed wearing the Walmart vest and scanning groceries too.  

This trip was so fun and such a good way to spend a few days instead of just sitting around the house.  I'm so glad we went and hope we can make it a yearly trip!

July Phone Pics

Well, I accidentally resized these photos twice, making them extra small.  Oops.  Too lazy to correct so, enjoy these thumbnail pictures of our fun in July!


Matt's parents recently moved into our old house and we love having them so close!  Our first Fourth of July celebration was dinner at their house with sparklers and small fireworks.


And, as is tradition, we spent the actual fourth swimming at my brother's house.  We always have so much fun! 


Both kids were old enough to attend Vacation Bible School at church this year and they loved it!  They were so excited to get to wear their (way too big) tshirts to church on Sunday and knew their songs they were going to perform.  Sadly, stage fright hit, and they just stood like lumps on a log on the front row without singing a single word.  Maybe next year.


Thomas got a big boy bed!  It's going...not so well.  He loves the idea of the big bed, but he's struggling with staying in it at night.  We wanted to go ahead and make the transition before he starts preschool in the fall to avoid too much change at one time, but we may have jumped the gun too early.  Hopefully it will get better soon!


July means Mimi has a birthday and to celebrate, we had a big ol' strawberry cake!  


One afternoon, Matt raced home from work to try to get the yard mowed before the rain came.  Before we knew it, we looked over to see he had a little sidekick helping him get it done.  Rain boots, rain coat, and goggles - the perfect uniform for mowing while it's sprinkling.  


A new bubble blower provided a whole evening of entertainment one night!  


Do you guys remember those crafts where you place the small plastic beads on a plate and then melt them together?  I loved them when I was little!  I saw them at JoAnn's recently and got Katie Wynn some.  She loves playing with them while I sew - I think she's made everyone in the family a new coaster by now.  


I loved walking in to see these mermaids laying on the floor watching a movie.  They love these blankets that their Aunt Jill made for them!

And finally, here are this month's Mint Tulip outfits!  Sweet puppy dogs, school shirts to get ready for next month and - their favorites - super heroes and princesses. 


Door Hanger Paint Party

One day I was out in my dad's shop painting some Patriotic hearts for Mom and me to hang on our front doors and I said to Mom, "Wouldn't it be fun to have a paint party for door hangers?" Well of course that got my mind rolling and since her birthday was coming up, I decided it would be the perfect kind of birthday party for her!


Her birthday is in mid-July so we brainstormed season-appropriate door hangers.  It was too late to do something summery but too early for pumpkins and super fall-ish stuff, so we landed on sunflowers.  Perfect!

Mom and I had a mini paint party by ourselves so that we could have two different examples to show her friends.  I made my sunflower kind of whimsical and she did hers realistic.  Both turned out really cute, I think!


I cut out and sanded all the sunflower templates before party time and we cleaned Dad's shop up enough for us to spread out on the tables.  Earlier in the day I had stopped by a field and clipped fresh sunflowers to use as inspiration too.  


As soon as Mom's friends arrived, I made them get to work!  :)  It was a lot of fun painting together.  They took different ideas from each of our examples or came up with ideas on their own.  They helped each other while parts of their own flowers were drying.  Mom and I provided a taco bar for dinner so we had lots of food breaks, too!


In progress and drying while we stuffed our faces...


Since we were celebrating Mom's birthday, I attempted to make sunflower cupcakes.  I probably should've started working on them with more than thirty minutes before party time because they weren't the best sunflowers I've ever seen.  I forgot to take a picture of the full platter; these are just the ones that were leftover at the end of the night.  


By the end of the night, everyone had a super cute door hanger to take home with them!  I love how they all look alike but different at the same time.  Everyone did such an awesome job painting them.  


Everyone left with strict instructions to send me a picture of their sunflower on their front door, or I threatened to ride by their houses to see for myself.  They all did as they were told! :)  It was fun getting all the group texts with everyone's door picture.  I actually ended up being the last one to get mine up because I forgot to take it home with me.  D'oh!


I hope Mom and her friends had as much fun as I did!  I don't think it's something I would want to do every night (it took a lot of pre-work getting ready!) but definitely something worth doing every couple of months.  Now I just have to figure out what we can paint next!

June Phone Pics

For us, June means swimming lesson time!  Katie Wynn took another 2 week class at a neighbor's pool and did a great job.  I am really impressed with her swimming abilities after taking the class!  Her best buddy, Levi, was in class with her and I took a couple pictures after the last class when they got their certificates.


It was high time our kids had real bikes to ride on so they each got a new one for Thomas's birthday.  They love them so much it's the first thing they want to do in the mornings...as you can see below since they're still in their pjs.


Lala and Poppa gave us their riding lawn mower so this year we're doing our own mowing.  The kids love to be pulled in the wagon behind it, and when Dad picks up the church sign, they become a riding advertisement.  :)


Maybe I like riding in the trailer too...


Some Thomas shenanigans - riding in his sister's lap in the mini cooper and watering Mimi and Poppy's grass.  


Katie Wynn accompanied me and Mimi on a pedicure trip and packed all her favorite toys for a day at Lala and Poppa's.  


I have just discovered how neatly Thomas colors!  I'll be honest, I thought the school papers that were coming home were colored by the teacher.  I watched him color in church one Sunday morning and realized he was the one doing the coloring!  Thomas wanted Lolli to lay in his crib with him for bedtime one night.


Swimming lessons on top of normal activities makes for an exhausting month!  Charlie, my parents' dog, didn't go to swimming lessons but he was happy to help Katie Wynn nap anyway.  


Have you ever been so tired you fell asleep with your hand in the popcorn bowl?  Katie Wynn has!  And you know both kids are tired when they fall asleep that close to each other - something that never happens!


This month's Mint Tulip modeling...


We're loving these summer days with the kids!