Small Fry Tri

For the second year in a row, the kids were participants in our town's Small Fry Tri.  It's a mini-triathlon event for kids ages 2 to 6 and is so fun!  First they run a quick race, then they hop on their bikes and ride, and then for the "swimming" portion, they run through the firemen's water hose sprinklers!  I mean, really, what kid wouldn't think that's the most fun thing ever?

Thomas, that's who.  Our little guy was not about to let go of his Daddy to participate in some race.


Katie Wynn, on the other hand, did awesome this year!  She was in a heat with five other kids her age and she took her place at the starting line, eager to go!


She took off running and was so fast I didn't get a picture of her!  Then came the jumble of all the kids trying to get on their bikes at the same time.


It took her a minute to get going, but soon she was off.


I raced to the next stop where she would ditch her bike and run through the sprinklers so I could be ready for a picture.  Her friends arrived on their bikes shortly after I made it there, but no Katie Wynn.  That's when I looked down the path and saw that at the 90 degree turn, she'd fallen off her bike and was still there with it tumped over.  Talk about breaking a mama's heart!  I raced to her as fast as I could!  She was being so brave and fighting back tears.  We got her bike back upright and even with all of her friends done, she got back on her bike and finished the ride.


She was all by herself for the sprinkler run but she still gave it all she had and finished strong!  I was SO proud of her!


She earned her finisher's medal and was proud to wear it.


Rocky the Redbird was in attendance for the event and Thomas thought he was cool until I got close to him.


The kids insisted on wearing their registration tshirts after getting cleaned up at home.  Katie Wynn had to wear her medal too, of course.


The medal was even worn to church the next day!  I have a feeling that's one trophy I won't be able to accidentally "lose" anytime soon...


Hopefully next year Thomas will be ready to give it a go too!