Life Lately

Please accept my apology for my infrequent posting lately.  For as awesome as I did in January, I really lost the momentum in February!  Maybe I can get it back for March.

Life lately seems like it has been so tiring!  Twice this past week I was sound asleep in bed well before 9 o'clock.  And even now as I'm typing this at 8:20, I keep looking over at my bed and wanting to ditch the laptop for sleep!  Maybe it's the cold weather and the short grey days that have me wanting to hibernate, or maybe it's the early bird 9-month old that winds up in my bed well before my alarm clock each morning that's making me tired.  Either way, blogging has just seemed too exhausting at the end of the day.  Allow me to try to catch you up on the everything that's happened in the past month...

The biggest thing is that Mom and I have officially gone into business.  A full post on this with much more details is coming, but for now let me just say that this has consumed my mind over the last thirty days!  Mom has embroidered things for 10+ years and I picked up the craft about two years ago.  We have always just done it for our family and occasionally for friends, but after much consideration, we decided to start offering our services to the public.  I hate putting myself out there for criticism so it has made me a nervous wreck at times!  But, I also love it and have so many ideas and get so excited thinking about it!  Much more to come on it, but it's one of the main things that's been taking all of my brain power lately.

Both kids suffered from cold-like symptoms for about a week straight.  After several sleepless nights for all of us, I finally took them to the doctor.  Three out of four ears were infected!  Obviously I felt horrible for taking so long to get them some real medicine but they both felt much better within 24 hours of taking the antibiotic.  Katie Wynn's eyes gooped up again tonight so there's a good chance we'll be headed back to the doctor again tomorrow.  I'm hoping it was just an allergy but we'll see how her eyes look in the morning.

Just when we've almost taught Katie Wynn to stop emptying all of the cabinets, Thomas starts doing it!  It was only a matter of time.  One morning while I was in the shower, they were both sitting in the floor of my bathroom playing.  The next thing I know, Katie Wynn had opened the cabinet doors for Thomas and pulled out a bottle of lotion.  She had squirted lotion all over his pajama-clad legs, all over the bath mat, and had so much of it gobbed on her hands that it was dripping off while she rubbed her hands together.  He had gotten his hands on a tube of hair gel and somehow got the top off while chewing on it.  So much for a relaxing shower for Mom!  It only got worse as the three of us slid all over the wet, lotion-covered floor.  I'm just glad we survived it with no injuries.  (Pictures below taken AFTER I'd gotten everything cleaned up and they were happily playing together with a train!)

Matt had plans to travel to Indiana this month for work.  Since he was going to be staying at his parents' house, he decided to take Katie Wynn with him so she could visit with them (and she'd been asking to see them).  She loved it!!  Thomas and I stayed back so that I could go to work...and thanks to some icy weather, I didn't even end up working while they were gone!  I wish we had just hopped in the car and gone with them.  Of course, now Katie Wynn thinks she can just go to Lala and Poppa's house whenever she asks.  She doesn't understand that it was just a fluke that he happened to be going anyway.  


Last week, Lolli had an injury which caused her to not feel well...which caused her to not eat...which caused her to act lethargic...which caused me to take her to the vet and find that her glucose levels had bottomed out...which caused her to be hooked up to an IV for a full day.  Not really what I had planned for the week!  After last year's ordeal, I'm pretty quick to take her to the vet when she's not acting like herself.  I had no idea just how bad it was (and how big our bill would be, ha!) and that she'd have to spend the whole day with the vet.  So we've been nursing her back to health again.  For a week she's been wearing a cone (her "hat" per Katie Wynn) to keep from licking her sore spots and we've been feeding her medicine + cheese treats twice a day.  Only two more days til she's done with her meds!  Then it would be nice to go a while without having to administer them to anyone for a while.  Fingers crossed about KW's eyes in the morning!

Instead of a full year's resolution, Matt and I have decided to do monthly resolutions for 2015.  It seems easier to stick to something for thirty-ish days than for a full year, right?  In January, we drank hot honey lemon water every morning.  I had read an article about the positive effects fresh lemons can have and I knew that a spoonful of local honey was good for you too, so we put it to the test for thirty days.  We are not coffee drinkers so it was an adjustment for us to get used to preparing and drinking a warm drink each morning.  We made it the whole month without skipping a day, even at the farm!  I don't know if 30 days was enough time to tell a big difference in how we felt, but we did both escape the flu that Katie Wynn had so maybe it helped?  We actually continued on with it a couple weeks into February before giving up.  We aren't doing it daily anymore but I think it will most definitely become a go-to remedy when we feel a cold coming on.  I

In February, our resolution was no phones in bed.  I'm sure you've read about how reading from backlit screens and being on things like social media before bed are horrible for your sleep.  Also, it's gonna cause us to get cancer and die (isn't everything?).  At any rate, it seemed like a good challenge and it was!  It forced us to read books in bed instead which was quite nice for a change.  I'm on my third book for the month which is awesome considering I only read four total in all of 2014!  I hope this is a resolution that sticks around for a while.  

Matt picked our resolution for March: 31 sit-ups and 31 push-ups every day.  Until my birthday on the 15th and then it becomes 32 a day.  (He's doing his age as well).  Y'all, I might die.  I don't even think I can do that for one day much less thirty-one days!  That's part of the reason I'm still sitting here delay having to do them before bed!  I better be super buff at the end of this month...

Ok, it's already 9:30...way past my bedtime!  I can't delay these exercises any longer, unfortunately.  I'll try hard to be back soon and to do better this month!